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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor: Aug. 27

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No Church with State

Re: 'A tale of two Trudeaus — one we like and one we don't,' by Warren Kinsella, Aug. 25.

Is Warren Kinsella unaware that the countries of the Middle East have been killing their populations for the last 40 years, bombing children with abandon?

Yet he defends keeping religion mixed in with politics and idiotically ridicules anyone who supports the separation of Church(es) and State(s). As a responsible and historically aware leader, Premier Marois recognizes the duty to protect Quebec society with the separation of Church and State, unlike in the Middle East.

If Kinsella truly believes he would be better off under an autocratic government, he should feel free to move to any of those countries that continue to destroy their citizens in the name of religion.

Robert G. Sheehan-Gauthier,


Marois may have gone too far

Mental health ignored

Re: '911 workers have trouble finding help,' Aug. 25.

In my former profession, I used to converse with psychiatrists and GPs. I learned that when family doctors are going through their residency training, they now receive approx six weeks, only, of mental health training. This leaves them ill-equipped to handle most mood disorders and backlogs the psychiatrists and hospitals.

Perhaps a large amount of what emergency workers face can be partially resolved by better training to the family health physicians as well.

Jody Franklin


Mental health issues need attention

Left-wing loonies

Re: Province nixes two casinos, Aug. 26.

As if it was not bad enough that Mayor Watson and councillors are unable to resolve the location of this city's casino the left-wing loonies from Queen's Park has taken that decision totally out of their hands. I imagine this is a great relief to Mayor Watson as it lets him off the hook to make any decision.

Seems odd that our own representatives cannot decide what is best economically for our city. This decision also shows how backwards this province is in its thinking. Whereas Calgary has several casinos the Ontario Liberals are content to see money continue to flow into Casino Lac Leamy rather than allow Ottawa to have a second one. No wonder Ontario is mired in debt!

Larry Comeau


Gamblers will still flock to Gatineau

Trudeau like Kennedy

Too many analysts are comparing Justin Trudeau with Barack Obama. The correct comparison is JT vs Stephen Harper to John F. Kennedy vs Richard Nixon. First compare JT with JFK. Both in their 40s. Both photo and telegenic. Both with young attractive families. Both comfortable with the media. Both being able to handle issues, in fact enjoying issues, handed to them by the press.

Both JT and JFK were politically aware from a young age. Compare Harper and Nixon. Both loners. Both suspicious and wary of the media to the point of paranoia. Both dealing with scandals; Harper and the Duffy issues, Nixon and Watergate. Politics in Canada is going to be fun again.

Terry Taller


Senate spending is no Watergate

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