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Suburbanites treated like second-class citizens when it comes to lawns

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Sure, the 'burbs may not be everyone's idea of paradise.

But does the city really need to allow suburban homeowners the right to pave over green space on their front yards to make room for more parking?

Apparently when it comes to visual esthetics, the suburbs are like secondhand citizens.

No one seems to care huge box stores are found at every major intersection, street lights are at a premium and downtown councillors turn a blind eye to new bylaws degrading the visual appearance of the burbs — as long as they don't effect their precious urban neighbourhoods.

Hey, suburbanites are people, too!

But despite that, city staff — at the urging of some councillors and persistent homeowners — are looking at allowing some suburban homeowners to pave over part of their tiny little front lawn to allow them to park more cars in their piece of suburban heaven.

In the suburbs, the car is still king. And whatever the size of their home, their laneway or front yard, suburbanites generally have two cars.

With two cars and just a single lane driveway, jockeying cars become precarious and frustrating.

Residents consistently voice their concerns about not being able to pave over or interlock part of their little front yards to make life easier.


But are there other options?

Some homes are on lots no bigger than 30 feet wide. When you take into account they already have a laneway, adding more pavement is going to leave precious little green space.

There are unfortunately no easy answers.

Residents need somewhere to park, and the city has allowed developers to cram in units short on parking.

Intensification in areas like Stittsville, Kanata, Barrhaven and Orl ans has brought smaller lots with narrow driveways shoved into compact neighbourhoods.

And then there's the plethora of stuff — often shoved into the garage — making using it for its intent impossible.

So that leaves the front yard. At present, families which have only one space to park a vehicle are restricted from hardscaping their front yards to accommodate extra cars.

A bylaw prevents parking directly in front of the main entrance of a house.

The pressure coming from residents has forced suburban councillors like Barrhaven's Jan Harder and Stittsville's Shad Qadri to direct staff to look at changing up the present bylaw.

But ever the optimists, these councillors want to give residents more room to park, but insist they want to preserve green space.

Is that really possible?

Don't think so.

"What we're looking at is some practical idea to put some new rules down where you can have two cars parked side by side, but still have some green space, maybe with options where you have stone interlock.

"We have to come up with something," said Harder, who along with Qadri has been leading the charge for change.

"This isn't, what's that song, paving over paradise. That's not what we're looking at. We're coming up with a practical solution which reflects the needs in the suburbs."

Her suburban counterparts appear to agree.

"The intent is not to take away completely the green space, but allow people to extend their laneway.

"A lot of people in suburbia are two car families. We need to make it easier for them to accommodate their families as long as some green space is made available, to be able to expand enough to have cars side by side," said Orl ans Coun. Bob Monette.

Qadri says he's urging staff to find a solution, which has many of his residents on the receiving end of complaints from neighbours in their attempts to accommodate their two-car life style.

Sure, the needs of urbanites, rurals and suburanites are different.

That doesn't mean the outskirts are willing to give up a visually appealing neighbourhood. Nor should they have to.

"They took all the trees, and put 'em in a tree museum. And charged the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em."

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