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Turning the intact traditional family into an embattled minority

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Here's an amazing number.

Over half of children in England and Wales will be born to unmarried mothers by 2016, up from just one in nine in 1979.

That's right. The family has gone from bedrock of society to an eccentric arrangement in under two generations.

And the most amazing thing is, almost no one is amazed.

Indeed, the most likely reaction to what I just wrote is "Who are you to say it's not a family just because the parents aren't married?"

Some people think this transformation is good because the traditional family is oppressive and patriarchal.

Plenty of others think it's harmless because that old man-woman till-death-do-us-part thing is simply a quaint but essentially unimportant lifestyle choice. And the thing is, they'd better be right because we're performing the largest, wackiest social experiment in human history at a speed and on a scale that would cause panic in a laboratory, with only the most desultory and self-satisfied conversation.

Indeed, "panic in a laboratory" isn't really the right comparison because this experiment isn't being performed in a laboratory.

It was immediately let loose on society at large.

You wouldn't even do this with a new painkiller. You certainly wouldn't just start handing it out in huge quantities to the children every hack politician formulaically declares our most precious resource when other clich s fail them. Yes, children. I don't want to belabour the often troubling statistics about the financial, educational and health outcomes of children in what used to be called broken homes.

But I do want to stress that traditional families, whatever their other good or bad qualities, are marked by a higher degree of deliberate, public commitment between parents for the sake of the children than most non-traditional kinds.

The pledges in front of family and friends, the voluntary assumption of legal obstacles to dissolution all offer assurance to third parties that the marriage has some durability, as some advocates of gay marriage stressed in making their case.

And the third parties most clearly and obviously concerned are the children.

A characteristic academic comment in Policy Options in 2004 was "It seems clear that the family (and of course there is not just one type) is a primary institution of society Ñ it is a way people choose to live to meet their needs."

But that's wrong.

Children don't choose to live in this or that way; their parents do it to them.

And in choosing non-traditional families parents generally give children fewer formal guarantees of stability on the ostensible view that happy adults make for happy homes and vice versa.

Family arrangements based on that theory may be at least as valid as the older kind or they may not. But they are certainly not the same and it is feeble or dishonest to maintain otherwise.

They're different and they're different on purpose and it might matter a lot.

For instance, one in four households in Britain doesn't even have a dining room table.

So much for the traditional family meal with its emotional bonding and sharing of life lessons.

Polls actually show that young Canadians want to get married, stay married and have children. Shouldn't they be told it's not likely to happen to most of them? Unmarried adults now outnumber married ones here as in the UK and nearly four in 10 Canadian children are born to unmarried parents (in the US it's just over 40%, more than twice the 1980 figure).

The breathtaking speed and casualness of the change is astounding.

We've turned the intact family from the norm into an embattled minority in less than two generations. And we've done it without any sober consideration of what it might do to the most vulnerable.



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