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A summer full of ink

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Aaaaah, summer. When young people shed their bulky clothes and show remarkable quantities of ... ink.

Seriously, what's with all the tattoos?

You may call me stuffy without fear of contradiction. But it's not a particularly fine line between daring and stupid and it shouldn't be drawn on your skin with blurry ink.

Yes, blurry. I know death is just a distant rumour to the young. But so, apparently, is the fact that as you age bits of you, often your favourite bits, start to do stupid gravity tricks.

That picture with the skulls, whatever it is, won't look the same when you're 40. And it may hurt to get it removed from, what is that, your entire forearm, your tricep, half your back, parts of your neck, and if there's more please spare us the details.

Besides, how can you be so sure, at 20, what elaborate scene will still strike you as so cool, so utterly you, that you'll definitely want it all over your meat at, say, your wedding, a job interview, the birth of your first child, in criminal court or at your funeral?

I admit to having no tattoos.

I have a few T-shirts with amusing slogans about Lord Durham; I'm not totally boring. But the great thing about T-shirts is when no one laughs, even when you're walking past the National Archives, you can take them off, donate them to some unfortunate charity, and pretend it never happened unless someone posted a photo on Facebook and tagged you.

And one reason I never got a tattoo is I couldn't figure out what statement I not only wanted to make to the world but was sure I wouldn't think better of later.

Maybe "So soon old, so late smart". An important observation but, you'll realize one day, a very good reason not to get a big tattoo when you're young.

I don't agree with Barack Obama much, but I loudly applaud his threat to his daughters that if they ever get a tattoo he and his wife will get an identical one in the same place.

Time was, a visible tattoo meant someone was very bored on a ship, very drunk in a foreign port, in jail or about to be. Some free spirits had small, discrete ones you'd never know about. But the big stuff was evidence you were such a free spirit you were too free with the spirits or wouldn't be free as soon as the cops found you.

Somewhere, though I can't track down the reference, I'm sure Theodore Dalrymple said the best way for a young woman to avoid getting beaten was not to move in, unmarried, with a man with tattoos.

Now it seems to be the best way for her to remain single forever. These wretched things are everywhere and they're big.

In the US 36% of the 18 to 25 crowd has them and the square footage has been growing explosively.


Here Dalrymple said something I did write down, that Britain's increasingly sordid binge-drinking yob culture was based on "individualism without individuality". So are these elaborate tattoos, and the strangely coloured hair, nose-piercings, and used military clothing that constitute the uniform of the cookie-cutter "rebellious" pacifist anarchist stoners who saunter about looking, as Richard Brookhiser once put it, like they'd "showed up late for the sack of Rome".

Because these things did once express a genuine if regrettable individuality, people now embrace them as an expression of an originality they desperately seek but wouldn't recognize if it walked up to them in a suit, tapped them on the shoulder and said "Od's fish, that's a sorry mess on your skin."

Aaaaah winter.

When you can't see all that scaly green and purple flesh.


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