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Ottawa business owner frustrated with city garbage policy

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Brian Mallett never thought he would end up working for the city of Ottawa. It’s one of those surprising, twist-of-fate things that can happen to a person.

He wishes his new job came with the pension plan and sick-days that other city employees have. At the very least, he wishes he didn’t have to PAY for the privilege of working for the city.

It’s an unconventional job. Most days, Mallett can’t even decide what to call himself. Sanitary engineer? Independent Waste Management Practitioner? (He thinks this sounds most like a city job.) “I never expected to be working for the city,” he tells me. “(The work) was something that just happened and then it grew and grew.”

The word “grew” is an appropriate way to describe Mallett’s city job. A bit of background for you.

Mallett has another job — his regular day job. He is the owner of Westend Bath and Kitchen Centre, on Woodward Drive.

He has had this job for 26 years. And like every long-time business owner in Ottawa, he has stories to tell about what it’s like to run a business in the nation’s capital.

Tales of red tape and steadily increasing fees. Tales of myriad rules and bureaucratic indifference.

One of those stories — shared by every business in the city—- is a story about garbage pickup. The city used to pick up commercial garbage, but stopped in 2004.

“Our business is in a strip mall,” says Mallett. “At first, our landlord covered the new expense, but as leases got renegotiated it was passed onto the tenants.”

Mallet isn’t upset about that. He figures he was going to have to pay for his garbage pickup eventually — either in his rent, or as a separate expense on his business books — so there was no fight with the landlord.

He went out and hired a garbage company. The company came and emptied his dumpster whenever it was full. In the beginning, the company didn’t come all that often, and the expense was small.

And then, he strangest thing happened. The city changed its garbage pickup policy yet again, moving to bi-weekly pickup for residential customers.

The change happened last October. It was shortly after this that Mallett began working for the city.

“We noticed it right away,” he says. “People started dumping their garbage bags into our dumpster. It was an immediate change, as soon as the city went to bi-weekly pickup.” Now that warmer weather is here, Mallett’s city job is keeping him busy. He says there have been days recently where his dumpster is emptied in the evening, and by next morning it is full.

I have been hearing similar stories from business owners across the city. They’re all doing garbage pickup for the city of Ottawa these days.

I’m also hearing stories about unofficial garbage depots popping up across the city. The dead-end on Bentley Ave. Rural roads in Osgoode Ward. Side streets around the Montfort Hospital.

It seems when the city cut back on its service, some people began driving around, looking for places to dump their garbage.

And yes, I know, in an ideal world this wouldn’t be happening. In an ideal world people would be doing what they’re told — using green bins and black bins and blue bins.

In an ideal world. Unfortunately, that’s not the world Brian Mallett lives in.

“I can’t fault the city for what it’s trying to do,” he says. “But if there’s pushback — and clearly there is — I don’t think I should be the one left holding the bag.” No pun intended. (Or maybe there is.)

Anyway, it looks like the city’s bi-weekly garbage plan has a few problems. Such is often the case when government makes changes that are “for your own good,” even though many people hate them.

There is pushback to this sort of social engineering. Problems often get downloaded onto someone else.

Mallett, by the way, figures his new job as City of Ottawa Waste Management Practitioner (he’s decided to go with that title) is costing him an additional $400-$500 a month.

His dumpster is now emptied about every two days.

He tried to stop the problem by putting a bolt-cutter-can’t-cut-it lock on his dumpster. People started dropping their green garbage bags in front of his back door.

What can you say? Brian Mallet is one of the few people in Ottawa with a city job you wouldn’t want to have.

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