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Letters to the editor, May 9

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Fool’s Game

Re: Mayor: Hold line on taxes (May 8, 2013).

Well, of course. I did not get anywhere near a 2.3% wage raise in 2012 and I will not get a 2% wage raise in 2013. So, if I can dig deep and pay more than I earn then the police, fire services, paramedics and welfare services can do likewise. Tax money is not an ever-escalating buffet of gimme more, gimme more, gimme more. Cut back and do more with what you now have. I am tired being played for a fool, Mr. Mayor.

L.D. Cross, Ottawa

(It’s long past time government tightened the purse strings)

How scandalous!

Re.: Scandal the new normal (Anthony Furey, May 8, 2013)

Thank you for your thought-provoking piece this morning. I am curious as to why the media in Ontario has not yet put a bug in the public’s ear that what we really need is some form of Recall Legislation? If this was put in place, at least we would have some means of pressuring politicians when things go sideways as they have so spectacularly of late — and in some instances, throwing the bums out!

Pierre Marcotte, Cornwall

(Good luck getting politicians to pass legislation that make them accountable for their own bad decisions)

They waste, we pay

More than a half billion dollars wasted on two gas plants to save a couple of Liberal seats, and Premier Kathleen Wynne wants to raise taxes for transit. I don’t understand the NDP being so complacent. The Sun is correct — it’s time for an election. Also, our hydro bills are going up. When is it going to stop?

Brian Orser, Etobicoke

(Not as long as the Liberals are in power)

Singing the same tune

RE: Dalton McGuinty denies having known cost to cancel gas plants. Let’s see now, he told all sorts of lies to get elected. He told all sorts of lies while premier. So, who in their right mind thinks he’s NOT lying now? Everyone who believes Dalton stand on your head and sing Carmen.

Tim Bakos, Ottawa

(We’re betting no one is on their head singing right now)

Convenient accountability

Does anyone else find it incredibly convenient that the guy who stepped down as the Liberal premier would take the blame for closing the gas plants and wasting half a billion dollars? I guess we’ll just have to punish the party as a whole in the next election.

Bruce McMicking, Dundas

(They’re as guilty as McGuinty)

Finally ...

I commend you for your choice of front pages. If people don’t like the way the Sun presents the news, then they can buy the boring national broadsheets. Keep up the good work!

Dave G. McMaster, Ottawa

(Glad to know there are fans out there)

And now, for an encore ...

Re: All the letters to the editor complaining about your hockey related front pages: Get a life. Go Sens go!

Mike Shurtliff, Kanata


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