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Letters to the editor, May 8

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I would like to tell you that I was extremely disappointed (unfortunately not surprised) by your front page today (May 7, 2013). This is a hockey game!

To me, this is a total abdication of anything resembling responsible journalism. The Sun needs to decide if it is a Canadian version of “News of the World” or some other garbage tabloid.

Media influences readers — get responsible. If the picture had shown a boot coming down on a Canadian flag, your journalists would be having a heart condition trying to outdo each other on the indignation scale! It is a hockey GAME!!! for heaven sake.

Jim Brown, Ottawa

(Exactly, it’s a game. Meant to be fun.)


Re.: Front page picture on May 7, 2013. I am a big Sens fan, but the picture of a boot over a Montreal Canadians jersey is disrespectful and will only add fuel to the fire and give Montreal a reason to have a big game tonight. The Canadians have a long and historical past so to show that on the front page makes your paper look like a big joke.

R.J. Fraser, Ottawa

(Canadians? We’re willing to bet you just upset as many Canadiens fans as we did.)


My heart goes out to the young girl, Michelle-Lee, who is being bullied at school. If a certain person is the culprit, then now is the time to go directly to the principal, the school board and the police along with a visit to the bully’s parents. Sounds like the kid sitting next to her is the cowardly bully so nail him/her now as all this is unravelling, before it’s too late.

I would tell the young victim to hold her head up high and try to ignore this lowlife. The bully is always the one with the problem. Hopefully, this can be dealt with before it becomes unbearable for this girl and she ends the problem the wrong way.

I’m in your corner, Michelle-Lee.

Linda Anderson, Almonte



Re.: What I hate is the fakery (John Robson, May 5, 2013). When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “the medium is the message” in 1964 he had foreseen the importance of fakery in the use of the media to make a point.

You shouldn’t then be surprised by the grandstanding by politicians and celebrities when in front of the camera because you (the media) created and encourage the circus context, as exemplified by the once again reproduced image of Premier Christy Clark in a Sikh headscarf.

She knows, as well as you do, that John Q. Public is generally fickle, unthinking and easily manipulated by a catchy, effective picture or headline. And if it’s repeated often enough in the media, the public at large will begin to believe it. Few even read the details and fewer still even think about the issues.

It’s all about perceptions and the media and politicians know that a simple picture is all that it takes to sway opinion.

We are saturated with so many forms of media today that I’m sure Dr. McLuhan would no longer be saying only that the medium is the message. Rather, he would have to admit that the medium is now the master.

Mike Kirby, Orléans

(So, you’re saying we’re the masters of our domain ...)

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