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10 things we hate about Montreal

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Fresh from a punishing 6-1 drubbing at the hands and fists of the Ottawa Senators, you'd think fans of Les (In)Glorieux would be off licking their wounds and furling their tricolore flags.

But no -- like mouthy diva defenceman P.K. Subban, they just keep chirping. So here are 10 reasons to hate the Habs and the city they come from.

1. Corruption: Did the Habs think they could slide a few brown envelopes down Gary Bettman's way to seal a series win? Sorry boys, it'll take some honest work to win. And you wouldn't know much about that now would you?

2. P.K. Subban: The whiny contract holdout is getting paid $5.75 million to malign his teammates from the bench. As usual, Montreal has overpaid -- an awful lot of people would have done that for free.

3. Roads: If the Bell Centre ice was anything like Montreal's streets, boulevards, highways -- heck, pretty much anything with an asphalt surface -- then Habs forwards would be skating gingerly alongside chasms of collapsing ice and Carey Price would be making saves from deep inside a pothole. Ok, we're exaggerating -- Price doesn't really make saves, does he?

4. P.K. Subban: That's right, he's here twice. This time because of how he stacks up against Sens star D-man Erik Karlsson. Subban missed six regular season games out of naked greed, abused his teammates Sunday night and hasn't scored in the playoffs. The classy Karlsson had a miracle comeback from injury and has a goal and three assist against the Habs. If P.K. stands for Pretend Karlsson, he needs to pretend harder.

5. Walruses: We get it. Sens coach Paul MacLean has a bristly moustache. But if you want to see slow-moving mammals sunning themselves and stuffing their craws, look no further than Tam-tams at Mont Royal Park every Sunday afternoon. Please don't feed the beasts.

6. The Incredible Hulk: Speaking of things that coaches look like, does Canadiens coach Michel Therrien share a common ancestor with TV Hulk Lou Ferrigno? The main difference being that Therrien -- like the rest of his team, evidently -- has none of Ferrigno's brawn. But we are pretty sure we saw Therrien turning green near the end of the third period.

7. Riots: Sorry, no, not here. Our cops don't bust peaceful protesters wearing panda costumes, either.

8. Youppi!: Clearly someone in Habs management got a great deal on a used car and thought, "Hey, I could save big bucks and get a used mascot too!" It's a nice welfare gig for the ex-Expo, but now the symbol of the Habs is the heart and soul of a failed baseball team that slunk off to the States without so much as a World Series win. Even Toronto got a couple of those.

9. Supersexe: The landmark Ste-Catherine St. strip joint still offers a free table dance with every bucket of beer. But when the song is over, you're alone, you're unfulfilled -- and you still have five warm Coors Lights to choke back.

10. Je me souviens: The motto "I remember" graces every Quebec licence place. In French only, natch. But we're bilingual in Ottawa, so here's how to use it in a sentence of good Quebec French: Je me souviens du wicked beatdown que les Senateurs ont administré Sunday soir. What was le score again? Ah oui -- je me souviens that it was 6-1.

Merci, salut la visite. And see you Tuesday — the Sens Army is looking forward to it.

Twitter: @ottawasuntonys


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