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Four kids and their families battle cancer and try to stay upbeat

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They represent the 4%.

Four kids, four families, four stories of young people fighting cancer, using everything available to them so they have a chance to reach adulthood.

These four kids are here today because of advancements in cancer treatment options, but their parents all agree they wouldn’t have suffered nearly as much if pediatric cancer got more attention and the funding it deserves.

As it stands now, just 4% of the funding flowing through the National Cancer Institute is earmarked for childhood cancers, of which there are 12. Not entirely unreasonable if you only look at the statistics, which show that kids’ cancers only account for about 1 % of all cancer diagnosis in the country and many of them are highly treatable, even curable.

But 4% isn’t enough for these families, who argue that if certain kids’ cancers are so well understood and treatable, why are they still happening? They will tell you chemotherapy and radiation are far from cures, that they may rid them of the cancers but not from a lifetime of worrying about the side effects that plague so many young cancer patients for years.

As a group they’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars and are focused on the next round of fundraisers dedicated specifically to keeping kids healthy, including the CN Cycle for CHEO on May 5.

Phoebe Rose

Her hair still growing back from the last round of chemo that flowed through her tiny body, Phoebe Rose is a lot tougher than she looks.

Not quite three, Phoebe has spent most of her short life fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a normally highly treatable form of the disease that, for reasons her doctors don’t even understand, won’t let up.

She’s on a maintenance dose of chemo to deal with her second relapse and doctors predict the cancer will rear its ugly head again. Jenny says they are just trying to stay ahead of it so it doesn’t come back at full throttle. The latest round of chemo is to minimize the severity of a relapse.

“They anticipate it could come back,” said Phoebe’s mom, Jenny Doull.

Having exhausted local treatment options and given low odds for Phoebe’s survival, the family –Jenny, dad Jonathan Hoffman and big sister Mae, 4 – has bounced back and forth between CHEO and St. Jude’s Hospital in Tennessee, a private hospital where research dollars flow much more freely.

“What else is there to do, however, but move forward? We will pound the pavement, continue to search for a cure, shout it from the rooftops that we need attention to be paid and money to be allocated,” says Jenny.

For more on Phoebe’s story, visit

Aimee Ziglinski-Spinney

Aimee was 11 when she broke her femur while running down the soccer field.

Diagnosed with an osteosarcoma -- the same type of cancer that cost Terry Fox his leg -- Aimee was able to keep hers thanks to a donated femur from a cadaver.

She’s healed now and, at almost 15, speaks about her ordeal in a way that makes it seem like a lifetime ago. But the teen still feels responsible to share her story, to pitch in where she can to keep others from going through what left her with a scar running from her hip to her ankle.

She’s keeping that rolling on May 5th as part of the CN Cycle for CHEO Dream Team.

So much money is still needed for research, she said, and if she can help that even a little bit than why wouldn’t she?

“I want to help as many people as I can,” said the teen, who has become focused on the arts since cancer ended her soccer career.

But she’s still a teenager, and she does want to turn the page on that chapter of her life at some point. The experience motivated her to help others, she says, and doesn’t haunt her.

Gabriella Curcio

After being diagnosed with a Wilm’s tumour on her kidney last summer, five-year-old Gabriella Curcio recently celebrated the end of chemotherapy.

As she endured treatment – which also included radiation and the removal of the sick kidney – a group of family friend’s formed Gabriella’s Groupies as a way of doing something in a situation where they otherwise felt helpless. They’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars and are still going strong. Her dad, Johnny, will be participating in the CN Cycle for CHEO to try and direct a few more dollars directly to kids.

Gabriella’s mom, Lidia, doesn’t see why kids keep having to suffer through cancers that statistics typically say are so treatable. What she sees is the death of one in four kids diagnosed with cancer, of the 1,500 diagnosed every year.

Instead of distancing themselves from cancer with Gabriella on the mend, Lidia and Johnny have dug their heals in, knowing the pain the disease can and will cause to other families.

“You pretty much fundraise all year,” said Lidia, “We’re involved because it’s in honour of Gabriella, but it’s for all the other kids.”

For more on Gabriella, check out Gabriella’s Groupies on Facebook.

Isaac Ciarlo

Cancer couldn’t keep up with Isaac Ciralo.

The 7-year-old is six months removed for treatment – radiation, chemotherapy and the removal of a kidney to treat a Wilm’s tumour, treatment that got more aggressive when the cancer was found to have spread to his lung.

Isaac has a good prognosis as far as cancer goes, but the unknowns and likelihood of treatment-related side effects will be a concern for a long time. Isaac’s parents, Trisha and Jon, refuse to accept the rationale that the funding pediatric cancers get is proportional to the number of cases. They know four kids who have died from the disease in the last year and that argument doesn’t hold water when they think about the number of years lost when a kid doesn’t reach his or her 10th birthday.

The family knows how fortunate they are when it comes to their energetic little boy, who gets to continue driving his brothers crazy, but they are desperate to see more attention paid to the disease that could have stolen Isaac from them,

“We have a great story, because no matter what he has to go through from here on in, he’s with us,” said Trisha. “There are families who don’t have their kids with them anymore, and that’s not okay.”

Isaac will be front an centre on May 5th as part of the CN Cycle for CHEO Dream Team.

For more on how to help sick kids in Ottawa, visit the CHEO Research Institute at

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