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Cancer survivor takes to Facebook to prove beauty is not only skin deep

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Kelly Davidson doesn’t want your pity.

Beautiful and unblemished at 28 years old, she was told the news that would cripple many others.

Diagnosed with breast cancer, a double mastectomy was her only chance to live.

Davidson could have slumped in defeat when she lost her most distinctive badge of womanhood.

But instead, she seized the opportunity to become an advocate for other cancer survivors.

Rather than cover up her scars, she inked them, tattooing a flourishing design on her chest and posting the photo to Facebook, which went viral overnight and garnered support from across the globe.

“Obviously it’s devastating for anyone to lose their breasts, because it defines us as feminine and female, but for me, I embraced it,” said Davidson, who posted the topless photo to the Why We Ink Facebook page.

“I’m still me, I’m still beautiful; I don’t need breasts to feel that way or to portray that to other people.”

Her photo received nearly than 1 million likes and was shared nearly 100,000 times in 48 hours.

Davidson belongs to an exclusive club – what she calls the Cancer World – which is increasingly turning to social media to rally together, share their stories and encourage others not to shy away from what they’ve overcome.

“It’s like a family,” she said. “It’s a club just for us.”

Cancer has been a part of her life for as long as she can remember.

Dainty and pixie-like, she embodies a remarkable resilience and strength of will.

She battled and defeated Hopkins Lymphoma when she was just 11 years old, and breast cancer is only the latest shadow to mar her young life.

But she doesn’t want others to look at her forlornly and say how sorry they are for what she’s been through.

“It’s strange because a lot of people have said, ‘Kelly you’ve gone through so much, let it be your turn,’” she explained.

“But that’s just my nature, I love helping other people and that’s why I share my story.”

She worked at a mastectomy boutique for many years, helping other women find peace with their new bodies, fitting them with prosthetic breasts and offering experiences from her own life.

“I’ve always wanted to surround myself with people I could help,” she said. “I can always recognize people I pass in the street who are going through the same thing as me.”

When she had her breasts removed, she knew reconstructive surgery just wasn’t for her.

“I thought, what better way to commemorate my battle and beating it than to put something beautiful on my chest,” she said.

Fellow breast cancer survivor Brigitte Davidson – who was diagnosed when she was 29 years old – gravitated to her message and now openly shares her story with other young women.

Cancer has changed her life forever, made her stronger and more confident.

“It’s just a part of you,” she explains. “It’s not something you can just put away on a shelf and move on from.

“We don’t want people to say, ‘oh poor you,’ we’re not here to whine about our tribulations. We’re here to celebrate the fact we’re here at all.”

Now 47 years old, she helped make a documentary and novel, Wound, showcasing the stories of six other women who underwent double mastectomies.

“It’s a reminder we made it through another year,” she said. “We’re celebrating we’re still all here together.”

Twitter: @ottawasunmaubry

Women share their stories

Megan Oates
She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was 17 years old. To commemorate her battle with cancer, she inked three tattoos on her wrists and upper arm. She also wrote a memoir about her journey through cancer and her recovery, called Would You Like your Cancer? She's also working on a #shareyourstory campaign on social media to encourage others to tell their tale.
“By sharing, I believe you inspire others and positively impact lives,” she explained.
Her tattoos are a daily reminder of what she's overcome in the hopes that one day there is a cure for cancer.

Brigitte Davidson
The tattoo on her back represents a pink ribbon with a paddle passing through it to illustrate her struggle and her lifelong passion for canoeing.
“I got the tattoo done to celebrate my tenth year of being cancer-free,” she said. “I knew I was never going to give up paddling and I wanted to make sure it was on my back to always keep that in mind.
“I'm not giving up now and I'm constantly reminded of that!”
She joined over cancer survivors as part of the Dragon Boat team to celebrate the little joys of living each new day.

Kelly Davidson
Her tattoo illustrates a faerie painted on the background of a waterfall with butterflies arcing outwards.
“The faerie to some degree depicts me, and the butterflies that are flying away are representing the cancer that has left my body,” she explains. “It's a metamorphosis, like a transformation, kind of like my new body.”
She has embraced her double mastectomy and continues to be an advocate for other cancer patients.

Jules Fitzsimmons
Jules lost her brother Owen to cancer in 2010. When Owen was a child, he had doves as pets and always said they followed him wherever he went. The night he passed away, perched on his window were two white doves.
That's why she tattooed a dove flying on her right shoulder to pay tribute to him.
Realizing there was a vast community of other survivors hoping to share their stories, she founded the Facebook page Why We Ink to compile everyone's shared experiences. Now she's putting together a coffee book table with photos of other inspiring tattoos.

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