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Easter break from shaking hands, playing partisan politics good for MPs

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For Christians Easter Sunday is an eerie pause between Good Friday’s tumult and the even greater upheaval of Easter Monday, so quiet, C.S. Lewis says in the Narnia Chronicles, “you feel as if nothing was ever going to happen again.”

For non-Christians it’s a chance to hunt coloured eggs and wonder idly whether trading a cosmic message of redemption for a bunny made of bad-tasting chocolate was quite the deal it seemed at the time.

And whether there isn’t something to be said for the occasional unnaturally quiet day.

You wouldn’t want every day to be a special occasion, of course.

But nor would you want every day to be ordinary. Everybody seems to know we need some rhythm in the passage of time, though again I cannot help thinking trading Maundy Thursday and Christmas for ersatz festivals like World Theatre Day or the International Day of Forests was not that great a bargain.

For people in politics, on whose fringes I lurk professionally, a genuinely quiet day offers a chance to stop issuing press releases condemning withdrawal from some treaty they never heard of until now or faking outrage in Question Period, and try to remember why they went into public life in the first place and how they’d like to be remembered once it’s done.

Many people who enter politics do it for good reasons and genuinely are good people.

Not, perhaps, quite as good as they think they are. But they really do intend to raise the tone, debate ideas, stay away from attack ads and never ever join the choir of intolerable chanting talking points handed down by the party brass.

Six weeks in, or six months, they’ve grown a tail and big ears and are indistinguishable from the other occupants of the monkey house. It never happened to me because I run from office not for it. But it happens often enough, to enough good people, that there must be powerful reasons for it. Among them, I am convinced, is the frantic pace of political life.

Even on weekends and in Parliament recesses, MPs who want to keep their jobs are rushing from event to event, shaking hands, eating chicken salad, remembering names from morning till night, weighing every word for partisan gain.

I hope today they’re taking a break.

For one thing, they need rest physically. For another, they need to think.

This Easter Sunday Tory MPs in particular need to ponder whether they went into politics to stop a colleague from raising sex-selective abortion in the House.

And non-Tory MPs must ask the person in the mirror whether they would have the courage to defend parliamentary privilege if it were a colleague not a foe breaking party discipline.

MPs’ freedom to speak their minds without intimidation, especially from the executive branch, was hard-won over centuries by brave men and women now dead who put the public good ahead of their personal safety. I cannot really believe most MPs, given time to think, would brush it aside in the hope of slithering up the greasy pole all the way to parliamentary secretary.

Then there’s that pesky business of our souls, if any.

“My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle,” Job complains, and that goes double for a political career.

Before you know it, the question of how they’ll remember you when your career is over will be upon you.

My advice is, put that greasy pole beside a cross and see how it looks. And if you can do any good, do it now, for electoral defeat cometh like a thief in the night.

Christ is risen, many Christians will tell one another Monday. And not on a point of order.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

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