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Dan Church guides Canadian women's hockey team at world championship in Ottawa two months after death of his father

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As Dan Church took his parents' black collie, Midnight, for a walk Jan. 29, he knew his dad wouldn't make it through the night.

Church, the coach of Canada's women's hockey team, got halfway around the block when the call came from his sister. His dad, David, who moved to Canada from Ireland when he was 20, was dead. Killed by liver cancer.

It was a tough blow for Church, a bit more than two months before the world championship in Ottawa.

It started with a tumour in his dad's eye. Less than a month later, he found out he had 40 tumours in his liver.

His dad checked into a Collingwood hospital, maintaining his sense of humour.

He told me: 'I have a great doctor, it's a good situation -- he's also the coroner so it's also one-stop shopping," said Church. "It was a pretty rapid decline, it was a blessing in some ways because he didn't suffer for long. He really had one bad week and that was it."

The apple didn't fall far from the tree. What Dan Church became -- his character -- was shaped many years ago in the Toronto home of his parents, David and Sheila.

"My mom was a teacher, my dad owned a printing business," said Church. "We were a middle-class family. My dad was one of 12 kids and always instilled that blue-collar mentality -- you get what you earn. My mom was much the same. If I got a bad mark, it was never the teacher's fault, it was what could I do better?

"One of my dad's favourite sayings was if you're going to point the finger at somebody, you'd better realize there are three pointing back at you, so figure that out before you point the finger. My dad was a very wise man. Even though he never coached a sport, he was the best coach I ever had. He was my biggest supporter."

Church, 39, has pushed forward, focused on doing everything he can to ensure Canada defends its gold medal.

"I've had a lot of great support," said Church. "That made it a lot easier. I still think about him everyday. I miss him. I still find myself wanting to call him every morning. We'd actually booked his room, he would have been (in Ottawa) for sure. Lisa (Haley), my assistant coach, said he's got box seats for the worlds and Olympics. He'll be there in my mind."

As a five-year-old, young Dan was itching to play hockey. His dad, a Leafs fan, was reluctant; his mother thought it was too violent. So he played soccer, finally convincing his parents to let him give hockey a shot when he was seven.

He played some rep hockey, then get a shot with the University of Toronto before tearing a quadricep tendon. The team, a national championship contender, couldn't keep him. And he never returned.

"I would have been the sixth or seventh defenceman. I was an average player," said Church. "I got that far on my smarts, not my athletic skill."

He coached his cousin's atom boys' house-league team, then was asked to help with a women's team -- quickly mesmerized by how fast, physical and skilled the female players were.

For seven years, he volunteered as an assistant to Karen Hughes at U of T, making his living off his job as a golf pro.

"I was a more talented golfer than I was a hockey player, but my first love was hockey," he said.

In 2004, he became head coach at York University after balking when offered the job.

"A good friend of mine told me if I didn't take it, he'd beat the snot out of me," said Church.

In 2006, he started working with Hockey Canada. It led to a two-year deal to coach Canada through next year's Olympics.

Coaching women is something Church has grown into.

"Guys, sometimes, you have to intimidate them into doing something," he said. "You see that in the guys' game .... the yelling, the cursing. It doesn't work in female athletics. You can't intimidate women into doing what you want. If you can tell them why you want them to do something, they'll do it."

As coach, he's tried to keep an arm's length from his players.

"You can be friendly, but you can't be friends," said Church. "Sometimes they don't need a friend, they need someone to tell them the truth.

"I can be tough at times, but I think I'm always fair. I love the game, I'm a student of the game. I think I have a good eye for detail. I learned a lot from Karen and (former Canada coach) Mel Davidson."

"He's been great," said Canadian forward Jennifer Wakefield. "He's got an open-door policy. When you do something wrong, he's there to correct you, but he's there to give you the positive, too. He's the kind of guy you go the extra mile for."

Because of his success, because of his championships, some suggest he might be better to move onto new challenges. Church doesn't see it that way.

"This is a happy landing spot for me," he said. I love what I do. Friends ask me if I want to coach pro hockey. That doesn't appeal to me. I like coaching in the university environment, I like coaching the women's team. For me it's not about making $1 million, its about doing what I love to do. This is a dream come true."

Twitter: @TimCBaines

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