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Canada not a moral or energy power regarding Korea

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North Korea just threatened a nuclear attack on the United States and possibly an invasion of South Korea on the side.

What should we do about it? Or rather, what can we do?

I can think of all sorts of desirable solutions. But none matter unless they can be carried out.

For instance, Venezuela's vice-president claims the CIA gave Hugo Chavez cancer. Perhaps they could hit the North Korean politburo too. Chavez himself claimed the US moon landing was fake. Perhaps whoever staged it could really send Kim Jong-un to the moon or Area 51 or something.

OK. I'm being ridiculous. But on purpose.

Unlike, say, UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon who wants the "international community" to make the North Korean leadership get non-insane by frowning at it.

Meanwhile America's UN ambassador Susan Rice claimed the latest UN Security Council "sanctions will bite and bite hard.

They increase North Korea's isolation and raise the cost to North Korea's leaders of defying the international community."

Raise it? From what to what? They've happily watched their people starve for decades. Heck, they've caused it. Why do they care if we join in? They're eating. Clearly unpopularity doesn't weigh heavily on what passes for their minds. And at this point further efforts to demolish North Korea's economy can only make the rubble bounce.

As for repeated declarations the US will not accept a nuclear North Korea, they sound good. But what do they mean?

After all, Secretary of State John Kerry recently said of Iran's nuclear program "Lines have been drawn before and they've been passed. That's why the president has been so definitive this time."

You cross our lines, we'll draw more further back. Oooooh. Scary.

But if there were something concrete behind these words, what might it be?

If North Korea successfully tests a warhead for its makeshift rockets, does the U.S. pre-emptively strike North Korean military facilities? Even if Pyongyang's Chinese ally warns not to while staring ominously at, say, Taiwan? Or does Washington invade North Korea and see if the PLA feels like joining in ... again?

Even worse, if the North Koreans set off a bomb, possibly smuggled into Seoul or even Los Angeles not fired in a missile, does Washington retaliate with a nuclear strike that ... umÉ kills millions of innocent slaves of this repulsive tyranny?

Now hold on, some of you may be saying. Why keep talking about the United States? This is Canada.


What should Canada do? Or rather, again, what can we do? The answer is, send long words to impersonate big deeds.

Foreign Minister John Baird said "This response to North Korea's reckless nuclear test in early February sends a clear and strong message ... The international community had clearly warned North Korea that its belligerent actions would bear consequences ... Canada will continue to work with our international partners to pursue all appropriate actions against the rogue regime in North Korea."

So we support a resolution we didn't get to vote on, sending a message to people who don't care, about unspecified consequences that seem to involve meetings.

True, if the Americans attack we might send a gunboat.

We sent a brigade during the original Korean War plus eight destroyers.

But we've starved our military to the point we couldn't send either today.

And having piously foresworn nuclear weapons in the belief it would make us moral giants, we watch in helpless horror as a nuclear-armed United States confronts a nuclear-arming North Korea with a nuclear-armed Chinese ally.

We're not a moral superpower or an energy superpower, and there's no such thing as a rhetorical superpower.

So we cross our fingers that Washington has a better plan than it seems to.

Because it's all we can do.

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