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Beezer vs. Brennan in Battle Royale

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The Battle of Ontario always is a highlight for Maple Leafs and Senators fans, but there's even more spice in the rivalry this year.

Saturday night, the Leafs make their first visit to Scotiabank Place since the Senators sent a letter to their season-ticket holders offering a discount for rivalry games, such as those against Toronto. The letter included the line that the tickets should be "used by Senators fans and not re-sold."

This caused all sorts of debate in both cities, so it will be interesting to see how many Leafs fans make their way to the nation's capital tonight -- traditionally there are thousands in the stands.

With the Senators and Leafs both performing well on the ice and the action expected to be equally hot off the ice, we decided to let two of our heavy hitters -- Beezer and Don Brennan -- battle it out over e-mail to give you a taste of what's to come Saturday night.

Moderating is Ottawa Sun sports editor Mike Koreen, who spent two of the best years of his life working with Beezer on the Raptors beat and now has the honour of being Brennan's boss:

Brennan: "We've just learned that the Maple Leafs have decided to hold their morning skate at Carleton University (10:30 a.m., for all you Leafs fans that want to surprise them) rather than Scotiabank Place, as every other visiting team does. Either they're trying to play down the latest chapter of the BOO (Battle of Ontario, if you need me to spell it out for you Beezer), they're hiding from the media or they're paying homage to their MVP -- Carlton the Bear. Which is it?"

Beezer: Wow, you took some time to think of that one, eh Doni? They're probably going to Carleton because they don't want to be mobbed by the hundreds of thousands of Leafs fans in Ottawa.

Brennan: "It's called a quick wit, Beezer. Pretty sure you used to have one.

"Seriously, why would the Leafs try to hide like that? Makes promoting the game a little difficult when media have to be in two places at the same time. I'm not even sure it's within the league rules. Of course, Toronto always has made its own rules. Prima donnas."

Beezer: "Like I said, they're practising at Carleton because they probably don't want to get mobbed the thousands upon thousands of Leafs fans who live in Ottawa.

"BTW, has anyone been arrested yet by the ticket police for handing over their tickets to mean, nasty Leafs fans yet."

Brennan: "Nah, Leafs fans wouldn't be up yet. It's only 11 a.m. Surely, they were out all night celebrating Thursday's big win over the Sabres. And I believe this whole thing about keeping Leafs fans out of Scotiabank Place is really a well-placed shot at the Habs. Senators brass is just trying to keep the purchase of Molson products to a respectable amount, at least for one night."

Beezer: "You're right, they are resting up -- because there's a Raptors game tonight and they also want to tune into Blue Jays pre-season action. You see, Doni, Toronto is actually a major city, with more than one team to fuss over, unlike our hicky little cousins in the nation's capital."

Brennan: "Zing! Nice one, B-Zone. You must be waking up finally yourself. However, it's obvious you have not heard Ottawa is about to get a CFL team (the Redblacks), an NASL team, an NBL team, a double-A baseball team ... You think there's a real chance we'll see a franchise in the GTA soon? Of course, you know what they say -- if Markham gets a team, Toronto is going to want one, too."

Beezer: "Did you say the Ottawa Rednecks? That's got a nice ring to it. Oh yeah. Toronto sports fans are just dying in anticipation of a double-A baseball team, an NBL team, and an NASL team ... whatever leagues they are."

Brennan: "I would like to say it's nice to see the Leafs clinging to a playoff spot. I mean, I know it's a short season, but when is the last time they were doing that in February. Usually, Leafs fans are lining up like sheep to get into the building to see if their team can take a legitimate run at the No. 1 overall pick by now."

Beezer: "Yes, rain or shine, Leafs fans line up for tickets and go to games. They don't just show up willy-nilly and then stick their thumbs in their mouths and cry if the opposition fans are too loud and nasty. Or what was that one civil servant whining about? Leafs fans being too obnoxious. Boo friggin hoo."

Brennan: "Beez, I remember when you used to be a respected boxing writer. But I always thought you stood way too close to the ring. Those errant punches can leave a guy a little dozy, eh?"

Beezer: "I was actually named Boxing Writer of the Year, but then I wrote a piece criticizing the boxing organization and they refused to give me the award.

"Speaking of all those exciting franchises Ottawa may or may not be getting Doni, I heard Stephen Harper is trying to get rid of the Senators. Is that true? If so, what are you going to do? Ha ha ha. How's that for wit?

Brennan: "Very clever. I can't even defend shots at politicians. They're all crooks. Little bit like the Leafs, I think. Taking the fans' money all these years and giving them nothing in return."

Beezer: "Well, at least in Toronto, the money fans have to spend doesn't come from milking taxpayers. Ouch.

Brennan: "Kinda stupid, this whole ticket kerfuffle (in Ottawa). At the same time, what would you do if I snuck into your house and booed your family? Kick me out, right?

"It's not just the noise being made by people wearing those gaudy blue and white jerseys in the stands at Scotiabank Place, though. It's the stains on the seats they leave every time Dion Phaneuf or Phil Kessel actually do something productive. Doesn't happen often enough, I guess."

Beezer: "If you broke into my house and booed my family? Hey, you'd fit right in.

"Stains on seats? Don't worry, Leafs fans just call for their valets outside to come in and clean it up.

"BTW, have they built a train out to that outpost where the arena is yet. I think that's why there are so many Leafs and Habs fans at Senators games. The rink is as close to T.O. and Montreal as it is to Ottawa. Well, at least there's a lot of parking."

Brennan: "The lot gets pretty full, actually. People don't even seem to mind paying the $16 to park, especially for a playoff game.

"(FYI -- a playoff game is something that takes place after the regular season ends. Happens almost everywhere in the league on a regular basis, except The Big Choke, er, Smoke)."

Beezer: "Ha. The Big Choke. That's a good one. Yes, we're choking on our sophistication and influence here in the Big Choke. We don't really enjoy hanging around parking lots."

Brennan: "You'd think with such a short hockey season every year, Torontonians, or whatever they're called, would have some extra time on their hands to work on their golf games. But how many of your people play on the PGA Tour, Beez? We can watch hockey in the spring AND follow Ottawa's Brad Fritsch teeing it up with the big boys. Take that."

Beezer: "Wow. That's quite a feather in your cap, a guy I've never heard of making the PGA Tour. Wake me up when he actually wins something."

Brennan: "Wait, Toronto people actually care about winning something. So why do they keep going to watch the Leafs?

"I feel like Marshall Mathers in Eight Mile. I'm dusting you here!

Beezer: "It's called loyalty. They show up no matter what, and not just when Question Period finishes up."

Moderator Mike: "Alright, gents. This has been fun, but we've got to wrap this up and get on with the rest of our days. Big game Saturday, so save some energy.

"Really enjoyed this, though. Moderator is a good gig."

Beezer: "It's about time you did some real work."

Twitter: @SunDoniB

Twitter: @BeezerSun

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