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Diane Morrison reflects on career as Ottawa Mission director

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For more than two decades, Diane Morrison has been at the helm of the Ottawa Mission as its executive directive, bringing about countless positive changes.

She recalls starting as a volunteer, washing the nicotine-stained walls, brown water running down her arms.

Since that time back in 1991 the mission has gone from 75 to 235 beds, has a highly respected addiction treatment program and a foundation that raises millions. Add to that a waiting list of volunteers, Morrison has much to be proud of.

Recently retired, the Sun recently sat down with Morrison, 68, to talk about the past, the future and the importance of hope and dignity.

Morrison is absolutely engaging as she talks about her, no pious preaching, no holier than thou attitude.

Q: You've seen a side of life many people in this city don't ever encounter, a side many don't feel comfortable being around. What would you like to say to the average Ottawan?

A: "I would like to say these are our neighbours, our neighbours are part of our whole city. It could be your son, your mother in this same situation. Some of these people have done so well in life, but they might be mentally ill, or they get addicted. It's our job as a community to take care of the poorest. You can't ignore them or hope they just go away. We need to get them out of shelters. A shelter is supposed to be for an emergency."

Q: Why leave now?

A: "It's time. It's time to do something else, to let someone else come in and see what they can do. I'm 68 years old. It's that time, I look at the obits, I'd like to do some things before that."

Q: What do you want to do?

A: "There are lots of things. I want to spend some more time with my grandchildren. I sit on the board of the Ottawa Food Bank, I want to spend some more time there. I went back to school at 50, there are some courses I'd like to take. I'd like to travel, see some things."

Q: What do you think about the future of shelters like the mission?

A: "We have 57 people living here whose average length of time (at the mission) is 6.9 years. They're all mentally ill. Some of them sit up all night, too afraid to go to bed. One (recently) jumped off the bridge. It's not a good place for people to start using it as housing, it's wrong.

"I talk to people who are mentally ill, many want a job. It gives them some self esteem."

Q: You have a real insight into these men and women, don't you?

"They're treated as invisible. When I first started, I'd go in and say good morning. They'd say thank you. They told me they feel invisible. No one wants to talk to them. I told them they have to stop saying thank you. When someone wishes you a good morning, you just say good morning back to them. We need to be giving them back that self-esteem. They get in a shelter and feel like they're nothing."

Q: The food bank, like shelters, were never meant to be a permanent fixture, don't you think?

A: "I've spent a lot of time talking to people involved with food banks and the school program. One told me they sometimes see parents get in line for the breakfast program. They've got no food at home. In a rich city, it just seems wrong. The food bank is huge, it's just grown. A food bank shouldn't be growing."

Q: Are you able to find some satisfaction as you end this chapter in your life?

A: "Absolutely, if you'd known what is was like when I started I'd be eating lunch with one shoe off, using it to kill cockroaches going up the wall."

Q: Did you have any idea what you were getting into?

A: "Not really. I grew up in a small town where they took care of their own. When I started, it seemed they were grumpy old guys, grumpy old alcoholics, just mad all the time."

Q: What was it about you that made you so right for this job?

"It started because of underwear. They had no underwear, no socks. People needed some dignity. You need to have underwear and socks, if you don't have anything, you feel like you're nothing. And it's just all the stuff we take for granted, razors, shampoo, deodorant, the stuff that gets a person together. You've got to feel you're worthwhile."

Q: You've got some amazing stories, you've seen so much, haven't you?

A: "One man asked me to write a letter to his daughter for him. He told me he was afraid she wasn't going to answer. He never got a reply. Those are the heart breaking things that are so hard.

"I went panhandling with one man. We sat on the bridge. He told me that we don't make eye contact. You have to be humble."

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