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Ontario Liberal leader race: Kathleen Wynne has stayed true to herself

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Tick ... talk. What makes them tick? We get them to talk. Six people are vying to be the next leader of the provincial Liberal Party. Whoever wins the slugfest wins much more than that. He or she will move into the premier¹s office. The Sun¹s Queen¹s Park Columnist Christina Blizzard sat down with the contenders recently to find out who these people are. This is part 1 of our 6-part series.

We are the picture of conventionality — two women sipping mint tea in a trendy midtown cafe.

This is well-heeled Lawrence Park, where the over-priced patisseries jostle for business alongside the fashion boutiques and fancy shoe shops. And this is where Liberal leadership contender Kathleen Wynne calls home.

But don’t be fooled.

Wynne isn’t your average MPP.

For starters, she’s one of the most open and honest politicians around.

Unlike some other gay politicians, she’s frank about her sexuality — and equally determined to ensure it’s not something that defines her career.

She realized she wasn’t living the life she wanted late in life — and came out when she was 37, when she was married with three kids.

She spent her adolescence living a traditional straight lifestyle.

“I dated the captain of the hockey team,” she said. “I was fully part of the social scene at Richmond Hill High School.

“It (being gay) wasn’t part of my consciousness.”

Wynne married at 24. She lived in the Netherlands for three years, where two of her children were born.

She’d been married 13 years when she came out.

“I started to wonder if there was something I wasn’t paying attention to,” she recalled.

As someone who’d grown up living a life of what she calls “heterosexual privilege,” Wynne says she wasn’t prepared for the kind of alienation and discrimination her partner, Jane Rounthwaite, has experienced all her life.

As someone who’d battled for equality as a woman throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s, this new battle for acceptance came as a shock.

“When I came out at 37, I was really shocked that people would set me apart and see me as ‘other’ and would somehow think either I wasn’t either qualified or able or as good as anyone else.”

When Wynne told her father, John, a Richmond Hill family doctor that she was lesbian, he warned her life would not be easy.

“He told me, ‘You know Kath, this is a deep taboo for people. You have to give people some time,’” she recalls.

“And I understand that.”

It hasn’t been easy, but she’s stayed true to herself.

“There are people in my own caucus who’ve struggled with this – having to wrap their minds around same sex marriage,” she admits.

Wynne is still on good terms with her ex-husband, Phil. They still get together with the kids on holidays and own a cottage together.

The oldest of four girls, Wynne grew up in Richmond Hill.

It was a musical family. Her mother, Patsy O’Day, was a talented singer as well as a community volunteer and activist who once organized a choir of severely disabled people.

Wynne herself sang in choirs. Her dad would come home at lunch and play piano.

“There was always music,” she recalls.

Her political career started as a school trustee.

She moved on to provincial politics in 2003 and has held four cabinet portfolios — transportation, aboriginal affairs, education and municipal affairs.

She became a giant-killer in the 2007 election, when then PC leader John Tory ran against her in the Don Valley West riding she represents.

Many political observers thought he was a shoo-in to defeat her. Some even suggested she move to another riding to save her career.

She refused, preferring to take her chances with the people she’d represented for four years. Her loyalty paid off.

“It was hard, because I like John. Lots of people in the riding like John,” she recalled.

She laughed when she remembers how traditionally Conservative voters were torn when it came to voting for her over Tory.

“I call them tortured Tories. I’d go to the door and they’d say, ‘Oh, I like you. I like John, I don’t know what to do.’ ” And then they voted for her.

She and Tory share similar view of the world, she says.

“We’re both pretty practical people and we’re friends.”

So, this province balked at electing a woman premier in 1995, I pointed out.

In 2013, are we ready for an openly gay woman premier?

Wynne admits it may be a problem for some people.

“I also believe that once we get to know each other, then it stops being an issue,” she says.

“I’ve met people from across the spectrum in terms of background and religion and I am able to connect with people and they’re able to connect with me.

“I’m not just a lesbian. I’m not just an educator. I’m not just an urban person. I am able to connect with people and they’re able to connect with me.”

Wynne got a major boost to her campaign last week when Toronto Centre MPP Glen Murray dropped out, throwing his support to her. Former cabinet minister John Wilkinson also joined her campaign as co-chair.

Wynne has her fingers crossed it’ll push her ahead — and turn it into a win-Wynne campaign.

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