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The challenge of reviewing Will Self

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I won’t try to review Will Self’s Umbrella.

I’m not smart enough.

I’m not looking for sympathy. This isn’t a backhanded compliment for Self.

Will Self is, in fact, one of my favourite authors. I own copies of most everything he has published, minus a few short story and essay collections that I can only find online.

Self is a British author, a good British author, one who is known for many things. I won’t try to list them all except for one.

Words. He knows them inside out. There were times as I read Umbrella I would stop and mutter: Come on Self, you’re making this gibberish up. That word doesn’t exist. Or I’d look a word up, read the definition, and think, why didn’t you just say that if that’s what you meant.

In past interviews, Self has said he doesn’t write for readers. I’m not sure how out of context that statement is, but there it is.

It’s OK, though. Those of us who like Will Self aren’t insulted that he doesn’t write for us. I knew that when I read How the Dead Live, the second Self novel I bought.

Even though I won’t try to review Umbrella in a traditional way, I will try to tell you what it’s about.

A British psychiatrist, with a controversial career, is working in an institution where there are several patients with sleeping sickness. Basically these people have been catatonic for decades. The doctor figures out a way to wake them up.

The story is told from a couple of different viewpoints. Self at times jumps from character to character in mid-sentence, entering a decade as if he was passing through a door. That, and the lack of predictable punctuation and chapter breaks, have inspired some reviewers to praise the novel as a stream of consciousness.

That doesn’t really do it justice. The book is more than a stream of consciousness. A stream of consciousness can just as easily be a string of nonsensical words as anything else. In Self’s words, a strong of consciousness is ... ah, forget it, I don’t have the words like Self to describe to it.

So how will I review this novel? This is the only way I can think of how to do it.

First 25 pages: God, why did I buy this book. What a waste of $32 dollars. How can this be Will Self? Is he back on drugs? Maybe he needs to be on drugs? Maybe I need to take drugs to understand what the heck is happening.

By page 50: OK, I think I’ll survive. It won’t go down as a great novel, but I’ll push myself to finish it.

By page 100: Now I’m getting the hang of it. Gee, it’s not that bad.

By page 200: Wow, I’m really liking this book. Rats, it’s almost time for bed. Maybe I could stay up a little longer and read a bit more. Did I mention this book is really good?

By page 300: This is a fantastic book! It’s got to be one of his best. Even better than Great Apes. Seriously, I can’t believe there are less than 100 pages. What will I read when I’m done? Everyone should read this book. What a writer.

Last page: I’m sad. The book is finished.

Twitter: @DonErmen

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