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Letters to the Editor, Jan. 5

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Re “41-to-1 compromise a fire sale on U.S. future,” by Charles Adler (Jan. 4). Historians will point to this latest Obama victory as a pivotal moment in American history i.e., the day the U.S. morphed into a socialist state. This blow to private enterprise in the hopeless quest for greater income equality will lead to the departure of entrepreneurs, the loss of millions of sustainable jobs and a massive reduction in national income. But hey, Americans will be equal — a lot poorer on average, but equal. The same historians will undoubtedly confirm that the downfall of capitalism was predestined by the U.S. constitution. It failed to confine voting to taxpayers and to tie social spending to GDP. The slackers sustained the nanny state that sustained the slackers. The founding fathers should have worried as much about representation without taxation as taxation without representation.

Jack Moran


(Here’s hoping their economy recovers)


The latest article by the Sun’s Anthony Furey on the federal government’s pork barrel spending is extremely distressing on many points. First of all, snowmobile clubs and trendy bakeries amongst others are a terrible waste of taxpayers’ money. Secondly, they seem to be continually pandering to Quebec, which has paid them little dividends, and last but certainly not least, this is supposed to be the Conservative Party of Canada. Well Mr. Prime Minister, start having it behave like one.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(There are some serious spending issues)


Re “Parents deserve some certainty, Dalton McGuinty says in open letter to teachers.” Not only parents, but all Ontarians need more clarity in the way Premier Dad is taking this province. Wednesday, when it is expected that his government will impose a two-year pay freeze on those teachers, who have not yet signed a contract, we discover the McGuinty government has paid out $21 million in bonuses to 4,000 senior public servants. This was supposedly done so they would end up as having the same salary as last year, which makes absolutely no sense at all in these tough economic times. Not only is this a foolhardy move, as Ontario has a $16-billion deficit, meaning these funds will have to be borrowed, but it treats these two groups of public servants differently. Obviously, this will raise the ire of the teachers’ union even further, meaning more disruptions in our schools.

Larry Comeau

(It’s a mess)


If Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence really wants to help her people, she should accept the assistance of an appointed financial manager to put Attawapiskat’s fiscal house in order.

What happened to the millions of dollars that she and her bloated council were entrusted? And why is she so adamantly opposed to an audit?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has quite rightfully refrained from lending any credibility to this woman’s rants by refusing to line up with the rest of the media hounds who find it fashionable to pose for a photo op with her.

Bill Caldwell


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