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Regime targeting Syrian children

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Children pay the heaviest price in any war. Whether it is from losing their parents, or being displaced from the comfort and security of familiar surroundings, or disruptions to school life, the brutality and havoc of war always scar the lives of children.

The civil war in Syria has also taken a heavy toll on children, but here, the situation is far more sinister than the usual indiscriminate chaos of conflict. Syria’s children appear to be targeted for torture and abuse by the government.

Humanitarian organizations such as Save the Children and War Child have been monitoring the plight of children in Syria and confirm they are being singled out. Save the Children interviewed young Syrian refugees and published their accounts in a report entitled Untold Atrocities in September.

One teenager reports that he was taken to his old school just to make him aware that the building had been turned into a torture facility. Children as young as six had had their nails ripped out. Another teenager witnessed the death of a six-year old who died from repeated beatings.

No one living under a more civilized system could even imagine that children could be imprisoned, let alone beaten to death. But such is the brutality experienced by children in this ferocious conflict, according to the report released by Save the Children.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also said “children as young as nine years of age were victims of killing and maiming, arbitrary arrest, detention, torture and ill-treatment, including sexual violence, and used as human shields.”

According to War Child, children are being targeted for execution, rape and torture.

The Assad regime seems to have resorted to pure fear as a weapon: Fear of unscrupulous horror; fear of losing the ones we all cherish and seek to protect. It wants its enemies to know that it considers no method too brutal, and no victim too innocent.

The statistics from the conflict report a total of 1,300 children dead and 600 held prisoner. Many children as young as eight-years old are being forced to take up arms and fight in the war.

Even for those children who have been spared such brutality, life has become desperate.

The UN envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi, said massive food shortages persist and children continue to suffer from daily hunger. Most lack warm clothes for the cold winter.

Bombs and shelling have destroyed many of Syria’s schools. Although some mosques have been turned into temporary schools providing basic schooling in reading and math, most children do not have access to education.

As if all this were not enough, now there is even the threat of chemical weapons being unleashed on the Syrian people. Children are likely to be affected most, as they are particularly vulnerable to the lethal effects of chemical and biological agents.

Even post-war Syria holds grim prospects. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird expressed genuine concerns about the direction in which the country may head after the civil war. With extremist factions featuring heavily in the uprising, Syria’s minorities are truly at risk. And it begs the question — will the children of Syria see their country descend into another round of violence and extremism once the Assad regime falls? 

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