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Bettman marks anniversary as NHL lockout continues

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It will be a hollow anniversary for Gary Bettman.

Twenty years ago, on Dec. 11, 1992, the NHL board of governors confirmed during a meeting in Palm Beach, Fla., the then 40-year-old former NBA executive was the league's first commissioner, replacing president Gil Stein.

While Bettman didn't take office until Feb. 1, 1993, it was the beginning of a new era for the league. As he gets set to mark the date Tuesday, it'll also be Day 87 of his third lockout in nearly 20 years on the job.

The NHL and NHL Players' Association are trying to return to the table after talks broke down last Thursday in New York City, but they couldn't agree by late Monday when and where discussions would be held.

"Hopefully sometime before the middle of the week (they'll meet)," said NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly in an email to QMI Agency Monday.

There won't be any owners for this negotiation. Instead, Bettman and Daly will likely be in the room with NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr, special counsel Steve Fehr and the players on the negotiating committee.

The union would like a representative of the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to return, but the NHL doesn't like that request. They weren't sure whether they would tell media about the location.

A player who won't be there either is Penguins' superstar Sidney Crosby. He tried to help broker a deal with four new owners in the room last week and told Pittsburgh reporters Friday he's not going to attend anymore.

No, the NHL and NHLPA aren't back to square one because there are several issues they've agreed upon but Daly told QMI Agency nothing tabled during last week's discussions is written in stone anymore.

Though the union has insisted the two sides are close, both are going to have to roll up their sleeves to get a deal done because the extra $89 million the owners offered in the "make whole" provision last Wednesday no longer exists.

It could be nearly impossible to get that added to the pot again. That could be a big bone of contention for the NHLPA but Daly insinuated everything is up for discussion.

"As a practical matter, we are back where we were before last week started," Daly wrote, "but maybe some of the things we talked about can serve as building blocks."

The NHL and the union were inching closer when the talks broke off in an ugly fashion. They were in the same ballpark on some issues, but don't agree on the length of the deal or the subject of five-year contract-term limits.

The league isn't going to sweeten the pot if they do sit down because they wanted the players to accept the CBA in its entirety last Thursday, not receive a counter-proposal from Fehr with the season slipping away.

"It will now get a lot worse (for the players). Do you really think the owners will pony up more? The exact opposite," said a league insider. "The owners can't move (any more)."

Though Daly called the term limits with no more than a 5% shift in salary either way "a hill to die on" in the heat of the moment Thursday night, the league may have to show flexibility if they're going to get a CBA.

The sides also need to agree on the length of the deal as well. The NHL wants a 10-year CBA with a chance for the union to opt out after eight years. The union is willing to go eight, with a deal it can get out of after six.

The bottom line: People think the two sides are close, but even if they do sit down they've got a mountain of issues to deal with before there's any hope of an NHL season and the clock is ticking towards the holidays.

Twitter: @sungarrioch

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