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Criticism of Takhar not about race

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Far be it from me to leap to the defence of a Toronto Star columnist, but there’s a first time for everything.

What’s pushed me into this unprecedented and rather awkward position is an intemperate column in my own newspaper by Tarek Fatah.

In an rather silly, irrational column Wednesday, Fateh accused the Star’s Queen’s Park columnist, Martin Regg Cohn, of using the “race card bomb,” in attacking Harinder Takhar — the seventh and final Liberal leadership candidate to throw his hat in the ring.

In a column Nov. 24, Cohn called Takhar, “a poster child for old style politics.”

He went on to point out a number issues that have defined the former minister of government services as someone who’s not always entirely forthcoming with vital details.

First, Takhar waited until the very last minute to announce he was running to replace Dalton McGuinty as premier.

McGuinty ruled that ministers had to quit cabinet if they were going to run for the leadership.

Other contenders, such as Kathleen Wynne, Eric Hoskins, Charles Sousa and Glen Murray, relinquished their seats on cabinet earlier — so they wouldn’t be accused of using the perks of office such as the salary, the staff, the limo, the ministerial clout — to garner support for their leadership campaign.

Takhar was cagey about his announcement. Reporters pushed him to declare his intentions, but he remained silent until just hours before the deadline to register.

The real issue Cohn had with Takhar — and it’s one I share — is integrity.

In his first term as minister, Integrity Commissioner Coulter Osborne found Takhar had breached the Integrity Act.

In a scathing 2006 report, Osborne said Takhar was “egregiously reckless” in the way he handled his business assets while in cabinet. Osborne called for a formal reprimand of Takhar — the first Ontario minister ever to receive such a scolding.

He said Takhar had not kept his business dealings at arm’s length — as he’s supposed to do.

These are troubling findings — especially for someone who now wants to be the premier.

Fatah implied Cohn was part of a vast anti-South Asian conspiracy to keep Takhar out of the top office and suggested Takhar’s ethnicity was at the heart of Cohn’s column.

In fact, in a recent rambling diatribe on Newstalk 1010, Fatah accused Cohn of racism.

That’s nonsense.

In fact, there’s a very strong argument Takhar was kept in cabinet because of his ethnicity.

McGuinty wanted to maintain an image of inclusiveness — even if it meant ignoring an unsavoury episode.

Anyone else would’ve been — should’ve been — tossed.

McGuinty would say only that Takhar had shown a “lapse in judgment,” for visiting the family business — a business that was supposed to be in a blind trust.

What a cop-out!

Any other premier with a minister found to have breached the Integrity Act would have summarily dumped that minister.

Fatah should be wary of using racism as a blunt instrument to silence critics.

Or does he think politicians of South Asian origin should be held to a lower standard of accountability than others?

The stakes in the Liberal leadership race are high.

It’s unlikely Takhar will garner enough support within the Liberal Party to become premier.

But he could position himself to move higher up the cabinet food chain.

He could throw his support to the winner — and that person will owe him big time.

Don’t forget, Liberals are not just electing a new premier. They’re electing a new finance minister as well. Whoever gets the finance job must be above reproach.

That’s not a question of ethnicity. It’s a matter of integrity.

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