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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's fall a Shakespearean tragedy, Brian MacLeod says

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As political observers blame Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s enemies and implacable laws for his downfall, it’s helpful to ask of his plight: What would Shakespeare do?

Actually, Ford’s fate falls into the generic category of tragic hero, so you can take your pick from Aristotle to Sophocles to Arthur Miller, but Shakespeare would have recognized much in Ford.

The Bard wouldn’t have been happy that his protagonist was of less-than-noble origins, but a well-placed verse with a new character could overcome that. From then on, Ford’s fate follows the classic tale:

The mayor was too proud to see that his own values don’t trump those of the law (legal or moral).

He failed to see this basic character flaw and took no responsibility for it.

His fate would be of his own making, whether he realized it or not.

He was a leader among leaders. There were people who would see him fail.

His fate affected the welfare of a nation — a city, in this case, which is more than just Ford nation.

And there is a purpose to his downfall. Finally, his fall evokes a sense of pity.

In a nutshell, Ford solicited funds for his private, non-profit football foundation that bought equipment for students in high schools. He did so using city letterhead, which is forbidden. When told numerous times by the city’s integrity commissioner that he should return $3,150, Ford relied on his own values.

No, he argued, the money is for football programs in schools. How can helping kids be bad? Why should the money come out of his own pocket?

That allowing this practice to proliferate among politicians would be dangerous either didn’t occur to him or didn’t matter to him, so long as the deed was good. He took his own sense of triumphant morality a step further when he spoke against a motion at council requesting that he return the money, then voted on it. He didn’t even need to be there. The motion was easily defeated. But his participation in the debate and his vote, a judge ruled on Monday, breached conflict of interest rules, resulting in his removal from office within 14 days.

He refused to accept that what he saw as a misguided law could be more important than his efforts to help high school kids play football. He pressed on, despite numerous warnings to the contrary, sealing his own fate when he spoke at council.

All it took was someone who would see him fall — in this case, a businessperson and a crusading lawyer.

And since he is the backbone of the conservative agenda on city council, the tax-cutting mayor’s fate may well affect the fate of Toronto residents’ taxes and social programs.

What’s the meaning of all this? Draw strength from your values, yes, but they must not be seen to trump the values of the common good — or the law, in this case.

Most people, even Ford’s enemies, see him as a decent man, at times a hapless leader, but not a bad man, and one whose downfall evokes at least a modicum of sympathy.

After the judge’s decision, when Ford finally saw that his fate was of his own making, he offered an uncharacteristically contrite apology. Not quite a Sophoclean punishment of gouging out his own eyes, but the self-awareness (if it’s real) that comes too late fits the drama.

The lessons from Ford’s story are not new. They’ve been handed down through history. One can read the news reports, or spend some time with a work of great literature.

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