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Letters to the Editor, Nov. 14

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Regarding the NHL lockout, both sides are at fault and are destined to damage the league if they don’t wake up.

Players: You think you’re worth more than you really are. How else do you explain the Toronto Maple Leafs being the richest team in the league? They prove that quality players are not required to turn a profit. It’s a combination of history, branding and size of the population that make a franchise profitable. Players come and go. Ten years from now, most of you will be gone and a new crop of stars will have taken over. The Leafs will still be the richest team despite not winning the Cup for 55 years.

Owners: Stop offering long term megamillion-dollar contracts and then complain that players make too much. And now you have the nerve to ask them to reduce these same contracts. That’s utter stupidity.

Solution: Pay the players what they are owed. Offer much less on all future contracts. If players refuse, offer the same to the next best player waiting to break into the league. Who, in their right mind, would refuse $1 million a year to play a game for a living? I know about 500 players who would refuse, but there’s thousands waiting who wouldn’t.

L. Bailey

(Your plan would work fine if every team had the Leafs' deluded ... er, we mean dedicated fanbase)


My sincere sympathies to Mr. Stead and his mom Elizabeth. I do hope the gnomes at OHIP can be made to wake up to this travesty now that even the Stead’s MPP is pleading their case, but I despair it may not be so. Besides being outraged on a personal and humanitarian level by this story, readers may find in it an object lesson of the perils of the nanny state. The state that provides you with everything is the same state that can take everything you have. The state that is represented on its surface by the smiling, well-meaning progressive who claims to have your welfare at heart has in its bowels a mindless machine operated by nameless, faceless bureaucrats. When the nanny state tires of pounding your square peg into its round hole it can turn on you, strip you of even your name, brand you as unworthy with a rubber stamp, and relegate you to the “annoyances” file with no bring-forward date.

David Burness

(Fortunately, the squeaky wheel got the grease)


Peter Worthington’s column “Frum book points new way for GOP” (Nov. 13), shows where conservatism in North America is likely to be headed in the years to come. What is being urged by Worthington and his son-in-law Frum is the marginalization of real conservatives like evangelicals and Tea Partiers etc. In short, for the Republicans to get elected next time around, they should do like Stephen Harper did in Canada and become more like the Liberals.

It is little wonder that David Frum is a regular guest on CNN, a network that to put it mildly, is further to the left/liberal end of the political spectrum than Fox News.

What is needed is conservatism with clear conservative principles to stand by, not a bunch of opportunistic political chameleons.

Robert Eady

(Being a voice in the wilderness isn’t satisfying to all)

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