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U.S. election predictions fall flat

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Years ago a friend told me if you never fall down skiing you’re not trying hard enough. I hope it applies to punditry too because I sure got the U.S. election wrong and now have to try to make credible sense of a result I firmly didn’t predict.

Most polls said the race narrowly favoured the Democrats. And so it proved, as close votes in key states produced a fairly wide margin in the Electoral College which I did predict ... for the wrong guy.

I had good company. The acute and well-informed Michael Barone predicted 315 Electoral votes for Romney, close to my hapless office pool 327 with a very similar list of states including Virginia, Colorado, Iowa and Pennsylvania.

My mistake, and probably his too, was I didn’t believe most pollsters’ claims of a big Democratic edge in turnout. But I did believe their claims that independents heavily favoured Romney. And both turned out to be wrong. Why?

Well, Democratic lack of enthusiasm for Barack Obama makes perfect sense to me. He talks big but delivers little. As a result, he got almost 10 million fewer votes this time, and, shockingly, 100,000 fewer than the man he crushed in 2008, John McCain. (Mitt Romney, another Republican favourite of liberals, got 2.8 million fewer than McCain.) Obama also became only the third man ever reelected with a smaller share of Electoral College votes than his first time out, after Madison and Wilson. And he didn’t win any states in 2012 that he lost in 2008, but did lose North Carolina and Indiana.

Down-ballot the Democrats did OK in Senate races, gaining two seats in a year when they had to defend twice as many as the GOP. But they’re still four short of where they were in 2008, or two if you count two left-leaning Independents. And in the House, despite modest gains, they’re still about 40 seats behind in a chamber where they were up by 79 after 2008.

So it sure wasn’t 1936 out there. In that year Franklin Roosevelt, a Democratic incumbent loathed by Republicans, annihilated his opponent, upping his formidable 89% the Electoral College in 1932 to a brutal 98.5% (only Washington’s uncontested 100% and Monroe’s 1820 pasting of John Quincy Adams by 231:1 have been more lopsided). And his coattails carried his party from 322 to 333 House seats (over three quarters), and from 69 to 75 of 96 Senators along with four Democrat-friendly minor party seats.

Given that second presidential terms are generally fairly unhappy, 2012 isn’t much to boast about for Democrats. Of course you’d rather win than lose. But Obama just recycled hollow promises of economic revival and trans-partisan, post-racial government. Another four bad years, with the Benghazi scandal threatening him and Iran working on a bomb …

Yeah, yeah, after you make a bad prediction you grouse that it should have been right. But it wasn’t. And the Republican performance in 2012, well, in the words of Sudalus from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, there’s no way to make it sound like an accomplishment.

Mitt Romney presented himself to the nation as a non-ideological manager who could reach across the aisle, and to his party as the man who could win an election without winning a messy philosophical argument. As usual, Republicans running as what Truman mocked as Me Too Democrats with a Yes But platform lose because (as I and they should have seen coming), you don’t win over swing voters by saying your opponents are basically correct. And then you get lectured by liberals for being scary far-right weirdos anyway.

So that’s what happened. Now if I could just get this snow out of my teeth …

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