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Letters to the Editor, Nov. 3

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The next federal election is becoming a disheartening, if not scary, proposition. The main choices are between the Conservatives (good on the economy, but totally undemocratic and cuddling up to the Chinese); the Liberals under the attractive but lightweight Justin Trudeau (please, Marc Garneau, make a bid for the leadership); and Thomas Muclair’s NDP, who do not have the good of the country at heart. God help Canada!

Pat Houston


(Maybe you’ll find solace in Elizabeth May!)



“We’ll duct tape your face.” That’s the line said by one of Ashley Smith’s guards after a group of them duct taped her to a chair. While in jail, she was forced to take drugs, and obtained hardly any treatment for her mental health issues. Her guards looked on while she strangled herself to death. I think that Corrections Canada has become a disgrace. While prisoners are incarcerated, there is no need for them to be treated in an inhumane way. We are in Canada, which is supposed to be a developed and free country. Ashley Smith’s treatment was absolutely senseless and unnecessary. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, either. This story reminds me a lot of Julie Bilotta, who gave birth in an Ottawa jail cell in September after her pleas were ignored by guards. Ashley Smith was mentally unstable and Julie Bilotta was pregnant. Both were ill-treated while in jail. It makes me wonder how many other Canadian prisoners are being treated in a similar fashion. The federal government needs to look into the correctional system and resolve these issues right now. Brutality and neglect are unacceptable ways to deal with prisoners.

Mary Delong


(Other people are echoing your calls)



Re: “Students US election trip nixed,” Nov. 2: Do the teachers, principal, parents or students at St. Peter and St. Matthew know Obama’s record on abortion? As an Illinois state senator, Obama voted three times against the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. The supporters of the Act wanted to require doctors to provide medical care to these infants, while Obama wanted to leave it up to the discretion of the abortionist to determine whether these infants had a reasonable chance of sustained life. Obama was really justifying infanticide, with a viable human life left to die in a cold, sterile sink or to die by the hand of the abortionist. As Dennis Miller noted: the Democrats believe in cradle to grave entitlements but first you have to make it to the cradle. Our educational systems, Catholic and public, have become bastions of indoctrination for those pushing a radical, progressive agenda.

Michel Mantha


(Strange trip, regardless of the politics)



Re: “Autry: Films expose life and death in China,” Nov. 2: Perhaps a buy U.S. and buy Canadian policy would work, but only if most people were prepared to take the financial hit for the sake of doing the right thing. Of course, given that the U.S. is indebted to China for about a trillion and both nations want to expand exports to their huge and growing middle class, it most likely won’t work. In Canada’s case, I’m sure that we could find other markets for natural resources other than China.

Michael Thomas Paquette


(Buy Canadian has to be something people want to do, which we support)



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