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Letters to the Editor, Oct. 19

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Re: “McGuinty’s no masochist” (Oct. 18) and Lorrie Goldstein’s five reasons premier won’t challenge federal leadership: A more plausible reason is reflected in articles such as this. By allowing the speculation and focus on such a trivial matter, journalists are NOT focusing on things that really matter such as the ongoing massive deficit created by the McGuinty government over the past nine years, the abysmal financial stewardship, the economic crisis that is compounded by Ontario rapidly increasing some of the highest energy costs in North America, not to mention the billions of dollars that has been squandered and all the scandals such as Ornge, eHealth, and the energy plants. This province needs competent leadership. If McGuinty cannot work in a minority government, let Lt.-Gov. Onley ask the opposition to try.

Philip Allan


(The Sun has certainly not ignored the things you mentioned)


Re: “Media’s left-turn signal stuck on,” Oct. 18: The pro-liberal bias in America and Canada is reaching the point of becoming a threat to both democracies. Some say media bias can swing the outcome of a presidential election by five points, crucial in a close election like the current one. Stories fitting the political left storyline are given vast media coverage, while negative ones never see the light of day. Never was this more obvious than left-wing moderator Candy Crawley running interference for Obama in Tuesday’s debate. Here, the CBC praises the Liberals and NDP, while doing everything possible to undermine the Conservatives. Whereas there were loud cries of righteous indignation from the political left when Stephen Harper prorogued Parliament, Premier Dad shuts down provincial Legislature to stop an inquiry into his government’s politically motivated spending on two gas plants and most of the Canadian media is basically silent.

Larry Comeau


(You make some good points)


For several years, I have been separating my garbage. In a two-person, three-cat home, I have a full green bin, two recycling bins weekly, with a green garbage bag every three or four weeks.

I purchase bags (to prevent maggots) and have purchased a second green bin, which I require when garbage pickup is longer than seven days. I have rinsed and sorted my garbage diligently even though I hate it.

Today, I am recycling and green binning for the last time. It is easier to fill six garbage bags.

Thank you, city council, for not doing your bit to divert from the landfill. Now I do not have to do my bit either.

Marjorie Gunn


(We don’t like council’s social engineering approach, but not recycling at all isn’t the right reaction)


Re: NHL lockout. Why are the players even getting anything from the owners? In the real world (which the NHL players are oblivious to), the owner pays their employees their guaranteed salary, and if the owner loses money, they absorb this. If they make money, then they reap the rewards. THEY DO NOT SHARE! Wake up, boys, you are a bunch of spoiled, rotten babies.

Joe Fraser


(Like it or not, pro sports is a different world)

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