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Conservative film fest celebrates 3rd year

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Much has changed for controversial film festival organizer Fred Litwin since he protested the ByTowne Cinema in 2007. He felt they refused to show films with a conservative point of view.

Instead, he started his own company, the Conservative Film Society, to go toe-to-toe with Ottawa’s theatres to feature alternative movies that push the boundaries of conventional norms.

Now in its third year, Litwin’s Free Thinking Film Festival promises to feature eye-opening films, book launches and keynote speakers when it comes to town in the first week of November.

“I just want to raise the level of intellectual discussion in Canada by presenting films that would otherwise never be shown,” said Litwin. “It gives people an opportunity to come together and meet other people who are equally as concerned and have a good time in an intellectually challenging environment,” he said.

Yet Litwin’s protest in 2007 and the media fervor that followed wouldn’t be his only brush with controversy.

Last year, Litwin screened Iranium, a film critical of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, but it was scrapped after the Iranian embassy pressured Library and Archives Canada to pull the movie. The film was only shown after the heritage minister stepped in and overrode the decision.

But instead of tarnishing Litwin’s credentials, the kerfuffles have skyrocketed the festival into the public’s eye.

“We’ve had two major incidents, and every time that happens to me, it’s really good,” he said. “It just gives us better publicity and puts us on the map.”

In fact, their audience has grown exponentially ever since. The frenzy around Iranium was the best advertising money could buy. When the film finally ran, it showed in front of a full house of 380 people, and they had to turn another 70 guests away at the door. That was on a Super Bowl Sunday.

“It’s just a measure of our success that we just keep getting bigger crowds and it shows that there’s a thirst in Ottawa for this sort of panel,” he said.

Yet why not show the hotly debated Innocence of Muslims to truly rile up the masses?

“It’s just not a very good film,” said Litwin. “I would never back down from showing anything, but it has to be really good quality and this one doesn’t have it.”



With 23 film showings, five book launches and nine keynote speakers, the Free Thinking Film Festival has a lot to offer. Here are some of the highlights for the festival, which runs from Nov. 1 to Nov. 4 at Library and Archives Canada.

Thursday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m.

Losing our Sons

It’s a heartwrenching story of two very different families shattered by a single act of violence. It tells the tale of ex-marine Daris Long, whose son Andy is killed by small-town Memphis teen Carlos Bledsoe. The story follows the nightmarish tale of the two fathers left behind in the wake of tragedy, and paints a picture of a government in denial of what happened to Long’s son.

Friday, November 2, 7 p.m.

Death by China

This searing expose is based on a book by Peter Navarro and Greg Autry that challenges traditional thinking about a prosperous and modern China. It documents the ways a powerful, wealthy and corrupt Chinese Communist Party is the biggest threat to global peace and prosperity since Nazi Germany.


The Victim’s Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind

By Bruce Bawer

Author Bruce Bawer criticizes postmodern academia in every subject from humanities to feminist and black studies and queer theory. He accuses these disciplines of being anti-capitalist and anti-American for their “knee-jerk defense” of Muslim cultures and categorizing entire groups of society as victims.

Learn more at


Twitter: @ottawasunmaubry


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