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Letters to the Editor, Sept. 21

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Re: Letters, Sept. 20: Letter writers like Ms. Cove must surely amuse school coaches lest they weep in despair of such ignorance. When are citizens going to stop believing the rhetoric continuously spewed by self-serving politicians and ivory tower diplomats and get out into the real world to examine the facts first-hand? So a provincial task force promised 11 years ago to rid the community of the use of extra-curricular sports as a bargaining chip in contract negotiations and this task force failed to produce results? Wow! What a revelation! If people actually visited any school athletic events they would surely know that, despite all of the promises made from so many directions, the vast majority of school sports are still managed and coached solely by teachers. In fact, the school boards, as directed by the provincial government, have generously passed the ever-increasing cost of participating in school sports directly onto the backs of students, forcing many of them off of the athletic surfaces for good. So if teachers have removed their coaching of extra-curricular activities as a form of protest, it’s because we have left them unsupported for far too long. Teachers are losing the right to a Charter-guaranteed freedom to strike while the government is reaching into past collective agreements to remove previously banked sick days from employees and people like Ms. Cove are crying because their Johnny can’t play basketball unless a teacher gives up long hours he could be spending with his own family? It’s little wonder many teachers have stopped listening to complaints from the public.

Ross Reid


(They should keep in mind it’s the public that pays their wages)


Besides his trial being a complete waste of time, money and resources, Gregson is sentenced to a 10-year concurrent term on top of a 25-year life sentence. Yes, I’m aware of closure and moving on, but really. It wouldn’t be as distasteful if he had received a consecutive term but no, again our liberal justice system has seen fit to hand down a window-dressing sentence. Stop wasting our tax dollars.

Gary Cross


(It’s not just closure — we still need to try people for their crimes, even if they’re already incarcerated)


Re: “Time to pay the piper,” Sept. 20: The City of Ottawa has learned much to their “shock and dismay” that it will cost the taxpayers $165 million annually for the next 10-plus years just to fix infrastructure. This while the politicians and bureaucrats continue to spend money on frivolous programs such as the green bin, anti-smoking campaign, solar panels, trees and art to name a few. Notwithstanding are the billions of dollars that will be doled out for the fancy streetcars and the tunnel. Going ahead with this new transportation scheme and fixing the infrastructure will produce one sure result, and that is skyrocketing tax rates for the future. The municipality should also be taking a long hard look at its bloated workforce — it should be cut in half. Will this be done? No. They will just remortgage our great-grandchildren’s future.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(Perpetual government growth ... perpetually)

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