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Real world solutions for LRT, debt

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I want to share with you comments from two different business articles I read recently that indirectly speak to Ottawa issues:


Here’s John Catsimatidis responding to a question from New York real estate magazine The Real Deal on why he chose to develop properties in a low-density, less popular section of Brooklyn that has a subway line:

“I believe in transit-oriented development. We have a trillion-dollar subway system or at least that’s what it would cost to rebuild it if we had to. We should take the areas where there are existing subway stations, upzone the areas around [the stations] and whoever moves in has built-in transportation. I’ve owned those three city blocks for the last 20 years so when they upzoned the area, I became an advocate for building something. I paid almost $600,000 for it (when I bought it).”

Catsimatidis is a billionaire businessman and potential NYC mayoralty contender for 2013. He’s not making pro-transit comments from a big government, central planning perspective. He doesn’t want to tell Brooklynites how to live. He’s saying them from an “I’m in this to succeed and make money” attitude.

The best place to build a subway or LRT line is in the middle of nowhere, give or take. Torontonians were small-minded for chastising former mayor Mel Lastman for building the Sheppard subway line. There wasn’t much there at first. There sure is now. And the expanded tax and population base pays for the subway line and then some in the years to come.

What’s most promising about the eastern leg of the current phase of the Ottawa LRT line is that stations like Train and St. Laurent don’t have much around them. Some people see this as a downside, but if Ottawa bureaucrats learn to step aside and let developers do what they do best, these districts will become our most promising assets. Although I admit that’s a big ‘IF’. Note that Catsimatidis only acted once the city changed the zoning to enable growth.


“Canadians celebrated the two-year anniversary of rock-bottom interest rates this week. But as a retirement planner, my fear is that they celebrated by taking on more debt rather than using such an auspicious occasion to pay it off. There is some flawed logic out there that since rates are low, debt repayment need not be a priority.”

That’s Jason Heath, a financial planner, writing in his Financial Post column from this past weekend. Sure, he’s referring to individuals. But he could just as well be referring to the City of Ottawa — which now has an outstanding debt of $1.4 billion. A full billion of that has been added in just the past five years.

City managers are using rock-bottom rates to stock up on debt to repair infrastructure. This is an unsustainable model. At some point it needs to be reversed, or we’ll hit the fiscal cliff.

Admittedly governments don’t go into retirement, like individuals do. Although with an aging population, the financial ebbs and flows of municipalities will in some sense mirror those of their residents. So the comparison is not unjustified.


What’s refreshing about these comments is they’re coming from people who face the stresses of the real world. They don’t have the taxpayer money tree to rely on. Go to the politicians for the Pollyanna comments. Go to the private sector to read it the way it is.


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