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City's sinkhole 'concern' not good enough

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At last there’s some indication from the city it’s finally starting to understand the gravity of the Hwy. 174 sinkhole.

Set aside the traffic woes, which are serious enough, a man — driving home from work — could have died.

So now, days after the incident, city staff are finally admitting “concern” surrounding how a pipe slated for non-urgent repair suddenly, and without any apparent warning, opened up and swallowed a car.

Perhaps considering the potential for death, the response is a little understated.

Unfortunately, “concerned” was the response the Sun received when it asked whether the city was worried that its contractor visited the site and checked out the pipe mere hours before the road opened up.


From the Twitterverse: Some of our favourite #174sinkhole tweets.


“The city is concerned and has commenced a root cause analysis to determine what happened,” responded city spokesman Michael Fitzpatrick.

Up until that acknowledgment, staff had suggested the correlation between the contractor’s visit and the sinkhole was nothing but a “coincidence.”

The truth is the city knows it’s almost a guarantee it’s going to be facing a major lawsuit from this incident.

And it will most assuredly cost far more than simply a brand, spanking new car.

So staff are walking a fine line between acknowledging the seriousness of the situation and accepting any responsibility.

Good luck with that.

The city knew there was a problem with the pipe underneath Hwy. 174, but demonstrated absolutely no urgency to the situation.

And to have the contractor visit the site on the very same day as the sinkhole, well, that’s too much to simply write off as coincidence without some serious investigation.

It was a crazy coincidence that troubled many city councillors, chief among them Innes’ Rainer Bloess.

“That’s something we need to check out,” he said Tuesday.

While city staff are finally admitting “concern,” there are still many questions that remain unanswered.

“We’re going to need a full accounting, we need a report,” said Kanata South Coun. Allan Hubley.

Emphasizing the need to concentrate first on the repair work, Hubley’s got questions of his own, especially concerning the timing of the work.

So, does he fear staff simply messed up?

“At this stage, I’m not willing to throw staff into the sinkhole,” he quipped.

Ba-doom, ba-doom.

Much has been made of the fact that fish spawning season prevented the work from starting earlier and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has taken much heat for that decision.

Let’s be clear here.

The RVCA did not put fish before safety. It was above reproach on this one.

The city had originally applied to have the pipe relining work done between mid-April and the end of July, ignoring the very routine ban on such work between March 15 and July 1.

According to deputy city manager Nancy Schepers, everyone in the biz knows about spawning season. We’ll have to take her word for it.

So, why would the city file a permit application during that time? And if staff were worried about the timing, they could have quite easily made that clear to the RVCA. They never did.

Just doesn’t make sense.

Here’s the response, again from Fitzpatrick:

“RVCA approvals cover a two year period from the time of issuance and are required in advance to be incorporated in the final design as well as the scope of the tender package. Project Managers typically try to get all approvals in place as quickly as possible, hence they include a projected work schedule with the RVCA application that is often well in advance of when we actual plan to do these works,” he wrote.

You’ll note, his response simply doesn’t address the question.

There’s plenty more where that came from.

Seems the public is “concerned.”

Twitter: @suncityhall

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