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Ontario teacher wars are back

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With barely two weeks before schools re-open after the two-month summer break, Premier Dalton McGuinty, his Education Minister Laurel Broten and the powerful teacher unions are embroiled in a battle that will likely result in an early return of the Legislature.

Broten wielded a big stick last week as she unleashed back-to-work legislation that will ban teacher strikes and prevent boards from locking out teachers for two years.

On Friday, Premier McGuinty suggested the House could be recalled Aug. 26 to deal with the Legislation. He said it won¹t be a confidence vote - meaning the government won¹t fall if the new law is defeated by the two Opposition parties.

It¹s deja-vu all over again for those of us who remember the teacher wars of the Mike Harris years.

What¹s surprising this time around is that the teachers until now have been the Liberal government¹s best friends.

McGuinty and Broten have been shockingly confrontational in their take-it-or leave it approach to teachers. They want the unions to sign a deal that would enforce not just a wage freeze, but a freeze on pay on the advancement grid.

In return, in a deal signed with the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) that Broten wants to use as a model for all boards, the government has given some control over hiring and on testing to teachers.

The unions are adamant. They¹re not playing ball. And some boards are balking at giving up control of key areas of hiring.

This is just the latest in a long series of battles between teacher unions and governments of all stripes.

Enough¹s enough, says one group that¹s calling for an end to the iron grip teacher unions have on public schools in the province.

They¹re calling for school choice as a way to end the bickering.

Instead of children going to the school nearest to them and government funding going directly to those schools, cash should follow the child.

Doretta Wilson, a spokesman for Society for Quality Education, says if parents had a way to opt out of the public school system, many of them would do just that.

"Parents just want their children to do well in school. They want some stability and they don¹t want to constantly have their children held hostage to this."

Teacher unions may talk about putting children first, but they don't, she said.

School choice can be achieved through a number of mechanisms. You can either have publicly funded independent schools, or a voucher system, whereby the education funding is allocated to the child, not to a school.

It injects healthy competition into the system and allows parents to vote with their feet when it comes to picking schools.

More importantly, school choice minimizes the impact of teacher unions on the classroom.

Parents are tired of having children used as a political football in union negotiations.

This time, there¹s the stench of political opportunism as well.

McGuinty and Broten are taking a get-tough approach in the midst of two critical byelections slated for Sept. 6 - just days after back-to-school.

That leaves pundits scratching their heads as to why McGuinty, having cosied up to the teacher unions for the past nine years, is now abandoning them.

Can it be he¹s preparing to move on from politics? Is he planning to have a showdown with teachers, and then move on - taking the outcry with him - and a clean slate for his successor?

After eight years of saying he wants to be remembered as the Education Premier, McGuinty¹s sudden shocking crack-down on teacher unions is more far-reaching than anything former Tory Premier Mike Harris ever tried.

It¹s no wonder the unions are baffled.

Meanwhile, Labour Day is fast approaching.

While politicians and union leaders fiddle, kids and their parents are caught in the middle of a nasty game of political one-upmanship.




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