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Mello's a social network of its own

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Salmon keep coming home to spawn. Bab Marier keeps coming to Mello's.

Scientific mysteries both, although Marier walks and talks and is sitting right in front of me, so I begin with him:

"Do you really come here every day?" "Every day," says the retired public servant, reaching for the pepper to sprinkle over his eggs.

"Usually early afternoon. I come for a late breakfast." "You never eat breakfast at home?" "Never."

Around us, Mello's is beginning to fill with early-afternoon customers, many ordering breakfast, just like Marier. Not so long ago, this would have been one of the few restaurants in the city where you could order breakfast in the afternoon.

Also the only restaurant with 1940s-era Formica counter tops. And swivel stools. And booths built the old-fashioned way (smaller, when men didn't have rolling guts, when you worked for a living and had 20 minutes for lunch, tops, no time to lounge around in a diner booth all afternoon.)

Mello's claims to be Ottawa's oldest diner, and although diner stories are a lot like fishing stories -- take them with a grain of salt -- this one is probably true.

"We believe it opened in 1942," says Leisa Bell, a long-time waitress at Mello's and now a co-owner.

"We don't have a lot of records from back then, and it's possible it opened as an ice cream shop, but we believe there's been a Mello's on Dalhousie Street for 70 years."

Which would make it the oldest. (Unless there's a diner in Vanier, or Centretown that would now like to come out of the woodwork.)

Anyway, Bell is one of the chief attractions at Mello's, a near-perfect caricature of the diner waitress. Every customer is "dear," or "love," or "sweetie." If you come back twice she'll ask if you want "the usual." Originally from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Bell arrived in Ottawa when she was 21 and began working at diners in the east end.

She moved up to the majors eight years ago.

"I've loved Mello's since the first day I started working here," she says. "The customers have been great, the street is great. I think I've ended up exactly where I was meant to be."

A good diner can do that to you. Make you all Zen like. Leave you sputtering about stuff that was meant to be.

Examine the bar, if you will. Mello's is licenced, and except for the domestic beer in the fridge, the liquor is on display.

There is a litre bottle of red wine. A bottle of Smirnoff Vodka. Beefeater Gin. Canadian Club whisky.

You need more?


Eating shouldn't be anymore complicated than drinking.

The most popular dishes at Mello's are the breakfast number one and the loaded hamburger. If you're feeling fancy, there's French toast.

The artwork is small posters that read: -No Whining," and "Be Nice or Leave." (Which, when you stop to think about it, is a pretty solid world view.) Holding court over this Zen paradise is Leisa Bell, a Maritimer hell-bent on making life in the nation's capital just a little more graceful, a little less complicated.

But back to Bob Marier. I'm still trying to figure out why someone would come to Mello's every day. I like the place too. But every day?

"Where else am I going to get my breakfast," he asks me.

"Home, Bob. You have a home, right?" "Right over on Murray Street. I live a block-and-a-half away."

"He's lucky," pipes in Louise Poitras, sitting in the booth next to us. "During the bus strike I had to walk one hour each direction to get here." "You come every day as well?" I ask.

"Pretty much," answers Poitras. "There would have to be a pretty good reason not to come." "And a good reason would be?" "I was sick." "All right." "Deathly sick." "Got it."

We talk a bit more, the three of us, and eventually phrases like "second home" and "gotta love Leisa" get used, but I still worry that I'm missing something.

Then it occurs to me -- a good diner is a lot like social media. A way to get the latest news and gossip. To meet new people. To chat and feel connected.

Struck by this notion, I quickly ask Marier and Poitras if they are on Facebook.

They laugh until spittle rolls down their chin. Until their eyes water and hurt.

That's what I thought.

God love Mello's. God love a good diner. Social networks before social networks were invented.

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