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Letters to the Editor, May 31

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Do GSAs make sense? I thought the whole point was to help "integrate" gays into society, not set them apart. Don't teachers/politicians know how bullying works? Obviously, teachers are tired of taking the blame, and prefer to shift the blame on politicians when GSAs fail. If politicians truly wanted to support gay children, they would do so "off" school grounds, "away" from the bullies' reach. If teachers and politicians were sincere about wanting to curb bullying, they would understand that bullies are not swayed by governments, but by relevant, customized school initiatives at the local level that protect "all" bullying victims, not just a select few, lest another entirely different agenda be at play, such as vilifying faith groups who want to protect all children indiscriminately. To single out gay children IS discriminating against them, and making them targets. Cardinal Collins has the right idea... A person is defined by far more than their sexuality, and that is what school initiatives should focus on... promoting all the wonderful things a "whole" person has to offer rather than merely their sexuality which, frankly, only finds its relevance in the intimacy of one's bedroom.
Monique Turnbull
(We see what you’re getting at, but arguing the clubs discriminate against kids is a bit of a stretch)

On Saturday, May 26th I was having dinner at the Chances R restaurant in Ottawa. I was delighted to be told that my meal had been anonymously paid for by another patron, who recognized that I was a World War II veteran. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for this thoughtful gesture of appreciation. It made my day.
CWO Frank Krewski, CD (Retired)
(It’s made our day too! Thanks for sharing! And for serving your country!)

Re: “Letters,” May 30: Ms. Mulvihill's argument that Catholic schools should openly accept the idea of homosexuality simply because homosexuals exist within the church is ludicrous. I'm sure Catholic schools also have students who are atheists, agnostics as well as those who support abortion on demand; is it Ms. Mulvihill's contention that the Catholic religion should be forced to accept these anti-Christian philosophies also? We might as well abolish Catholicism; oh wait, that's what she is suggesting! So much for tolerance.
Ross Reid
(At some point you’ve got to ask what part of Catholic will be left of them)

Re: “Editorial: Market crime needs tackling,” May 30: I believe the Ottawa police should emulate the “zero tolerance” method that the New York City police employed several years ago. For example, the police would arrest someone for a minor crime such as public urination, and low and behold, that person would have outstanding warrants against them for other crimes. It obviously worked in New York. Why not Ottawa?
Mike Shurtliff
(We would be opposed to a little Giuliani-style broken windows enforcement, that’s for sure)

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