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Mega-taxing the rich is just dumb

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I had coffee with a business man on a recent Sunday morning.

He was a little late as he had been held up at his office, meeting with a client.

Many — perhaps most — of the people who lauded NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and Premier Dalton McGuinty for conspiring to raise taxes on the super-successful in Ontario, were not at work that Sunday morning.

Many of them perhaps were not even out of bed by the time this meeting took place, even though this particular Sunday was a really nice day to be up and at something.

But that is what successful people do. They get up and get at it, no matter what day it is.

Both of these people were creating jobs. So do people like them; who also have meetings and solve problems on the weekend.

Why do we want to punish their success?

They didn’t create Ontario’s massive government debt and they did not engage in the irresponsible spending that has been the McGuinty way.

The Ornge scandal, eHealth, billions wasted on a green energy boondoggle, moving power plants around for political reasons; just some of the ways our money disappears.

There are also low-wage workers who take more than one job, which often means they also work on the weekend.

The guy who served our coffee on Sunday may have been one of them.

But how will taxing the rich more help him?

The money won’t go to him. The money will go to two groups.

One is the over-staffed public bureaucracy in Ontario.

Since McGuinty took office, Ontario’s debt has increased 70% and spending has increased by nearly as much.

Is the waiter better off for it? Are you?

Average family income in that same period went up less than 50%. We are falling behind.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, interest on the debt costs taxpayers over $28 million a day.

The other group lapping up taxpayer benefits is the flat-out lazy and self-entitled.

They are exemplified by a young lady my wife knows of who got pregnant and quit her job.

Her parents offered to give her a home while she went back to school, but she prefers to live in a taxpayer-funded apartment, enjoying the sunshine.

She has no intention of improving her life or that of her soon to be born child. She intends to continue to live off the avails of other people’s labour.

The waiter, or waitress, who works two jobs, also pays taxes to support her shiftless lifestyle.

McGuinty and Horwath and the people championing more taxes continue to do nothing to solve either of those problems.

The province does not deserve more money to work with. Ontario has record revenues and a fatal spending habit.

Our minority government’s work ethic in this regard and its attention to the needs and rights of the average working person in Ontario, is no better than that of the young lady who is a welfare cheat.

All three — Horwath, McGuinty and the lazy lady — should be ashamed of themselves.

None of them will have the good sense to be so.

Those who buy into their pandering that the only solution to the mess McGuinty created is to further tax us, are no better.

— Agar is the 9 a.m. to noon host on Newstalk 1010 

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