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Letters to the Editor, May 1

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Monday’s unanimous ruling against the Friends of Lansdowne will enable the long awaited development of Lansdowne Park to proceed. The fact all three judges agreed, means there will be no grounds for appeal to a higher court. Considering taxpayers are on the hook for $4 million annually, for taxes on this eyesore, this decision is most welcomed. These so called self-centered “Friends of Lansdowne” could more appropriately be called the group of anti-business, anti-sports and entertainment. Undoubtedly, their delaying this development means costs will go up, some of which will fall back on taxpayers. This should send a very clear message to city council that rules need changing so that anyone bringing such a frivilous civil action in the future will have to pay all costs, if they lose as is the case here.

Larry Comeau


(Need to find the balance between discouraging nuisance complaints, but not putting a chill on dissent)



Re: “Worthington: Khadr not a traitor”, Apr. 30: Wow! I am not accustomed to disagreeing with Mr. Worthington, but I am not at all used to the snide twisted double-think in his column either. By any legal, moral or common definition Khadr is both a traitor and criminal. Simply because Mr. Worthington says he is not does not make it so. Since when does Mr. Worthington side with “some human rights activists and the CBC”. Mr. Worthington states that considerations of treason or other criminal charges against Khadr is “bafflegab” and “wrong to the point of absurdity”, however he provides absolutely no persuasive arguments for this being anything beyond a personal opinion which is no better than the thousands of Canadians who beg to differ. It is beyond credibility that Mr. Worthington actually believes Khadr was actually “fighting against an invader” which somehow justifies his actions. As a Canadian citizen (even of convenience, not loyalty) how can Khadr’s taking up arms against Canadian and American forces in Afghanistan and killing soldiers not be a “a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state” which is a dictionary definition of treason. Get used to it, Mr. Worthington – you are dead wrong on this one and no matter how it all works out in the end with Khadr, any Canadian citizen which picks up arms and goes to war against our soldiers or our allies and attempts to kill our soldiers is indeed a traitor and a criminal.

P. Nickless


(Worthington’s contrasting of Khadr with Inouye is thought-provoking)



The unearthing by QMI Agency that the Ontario branches of the Canadian Union of Public Employees have donated $30,000 to the striking students (anarchists) is most disturbing. How dare this organization fund a group of violent misfits intent on bringing the Province of Quebec to its knees. This certainly strengthens the argument that unions have no place in the federal government.  Prime Minister Harper should initiate legislation to decertify CUPE. I suppose next they will start a college fund for Omar Khadr.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(They will continue to fund every ragtag group of rabble-rousers they can find)

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