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Letters to the Editor, April 20

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I watch with disbelief the attitude of politicians such as Raymond Bachand, when they make statements such as that quoted by Eric Duhaime in Thursday’s Sun: “Contrary to what is often heard, equalization does not fund $7 daycare or lower tuition fees in Quebec. Quebec’s more generous programs are funded through taxes to the Quebec government, which are higher than the Canadian average.” What dreamland does Bachand man live in? Quebec is a have-not province: Where does Bachand think he could find the money fund these other “more generous programs” if not for the equalization payments, which pay for much of the rest? Attempting to segregate Quebec collected tax money from transfer payment moneys is a specious argument. Money is money. Whether that money is in the left-hand pocket or it is the right-hand pocket, it remains the same pair of pants and it is far beyond time all politicians remembered this.

Terry Gable

(He’s about to have a rude awakening, along with a lot of other Quebecers)


“Tories yawn while Grits fawn over Charter Aniversary” (April 18): The Tories are right to ignore this flawed and badly crafted document which transferred the power from legislators to unelected judges, allowing ‘’chicken’’ politicians to defer politically-dangerous cases to the courts; providing a refuge for undesirables and malcontents and being a gold mine for lawyers, a no-brainer when the academic background of the Charter’s promoters is examined; they were lawyers.

It is difficult to understand why the words “responsibilities and obligations” did not accompany the words “rights and freedoms” and why the Charter permits killers and murderers to vote and receive a pension when their incarceration is costing Canadian taxpayers a lot of money.

Jean G. Boulet



According to current U.S. law, Omar Khadr is a war criminal worthy of 40 years imprisonment for killing a Special Forces medic while George W. Bush gets $200,000 per speaking engagement. This medic was a volunteer commando, cross-trained in all their deadly skills. According to International Law, Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeldt are also war criminals, but they are protected by U.S. power and exceptionalism. This is like comparing a mouse to a pack of hyenas.

Conspiring to invade Iraq, operating secret prisons and authorizing the systematic abuse and torture of prisoners are war crimes by any objective definition. Yes, simulated drowning is torture. Ask former SEAL Jessie Ventura. There is a body of evidence indicating that Bush and his inner circle conspired and committed these crimes secure in the knowledge that they would be protected by their power and also by public fear, confusion and apathy.

Many low-ranking U.S. military personnel have been prosecuted for their roles in the Abu Graib atrocities while their political leadership remains unpunished. What message does this send to the world?

Morgan Duchesney


(That people don’t buy your comparison between Khadr and the George W. Bush and Co.?)


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