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Budget complaints predictable

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Reaction on Thursday was predictable. The Green Party said Jim Flaherty delivered a budget that was "tough on nature"; the Ottawa Citizen said he delivered one that "includes major changes to ... the size of government"; the Communications Workers of America Canada said: "Federal budget threatens Canada's social and cultural fabric". But I was there and I can tell you the government did not deliver a budget at all.

As the accompanying press release said, "The Government of Canada Delivers Economic Action Plan 2012 -- A Plan for Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity". Frankly it's far too meddlesome a plan for my taste. But regardless, the 498-page brick that thudded onto journalists' and MPs' desks was about economic management not accounting.

The press release doesn't even get to "sound public finances" until the third paragraph, well after praising their own foresight and promising "sustainable social programs". And there's no mention of defence at all, the single most important function of government.

Indeed, nowhere in the entire "budget" do we get a figure for total defence spending. But we do get repeated boasts from Finance Minister Jim Flaherty that his cuts are trivial. His "ongoing savings" total just $5.2 billion, "less than 2% of expected federal program spending in 2016-17."

The press release also makes no mention of the deficit, overall spending or the total tax burden, though it does quote Flaherty saying: "We will not raise taxes." And I won't apologize for spending this much time on the press release because it's clearly where they put what they consider their best foot forward.

I also won't apologize for calling Flaherty the "finance minister". But his performance reminds me of an anecdote about Paul Martin. When he became finance minister, people including, apparently, his own mother wondered why he'd taken that kidney stone of a portfolio instead of something exciting and visionary like industry. Answer: He understood that keeping the public finances in order was as important as it was difficult. So did his PM.

Flaherty, by contrast, is clearly excited about finding new and expensive ways to foster innovation. But his so-called budget has almost nothing to do with accounting.

You don't even get to the big financial picture until Chapter 5 on page 207. And the dreaded Summary of Statement of Transactions showing total revenue, spending, program spending and deficits is buried on page 238 in Chapter 6 like some minor technical detail, after endless blather like: "Promote job creation by renewing the Canadian Coast Guard fleet", "Refocusing the National Research Council", "Support for junior mineral exploration by extending the temporary 15% Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for flow-through share investors for an additional year" and "strengthening the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program, which helps Canadian museums and art galleries reduce their insurance costs when hosting major exhibitions."

Even something like "reducing the tax compliance burden for business", which sounds like good economic policy, is hardly a budget issue. Ditto "an improved business section on the CRA's website" or "continuing to fight counterfeit bank notes", a $9.6-million initiative over three years.

I could go on and on. Flaherty certainly did. But while the document pledges to keep shovelling money at provinces, territories and individuals, instead of exploring whether the long-run dynamics of such spending are unsustainable, it tries to lull you by saying this document leaves the government $39.6 billion better off, by 2016, than the November 2011 update predicted. Missing is any explanation why that update was $33.7 billion gloomier than the June 2011 budget (and why, therefore, we should not expect an equally catastrophic update later this year).

They do admit "budgetary expenses are projected to be below the level projected in the November Update in 2011-12 and 2012-13, but higher from 2013-14 onward." So there's no restraint here at all. Instead, if all goes well, by 2016 spending will be up 12%, tax revenue up 27% and the personal income tax take 30% higher. So if I tell my boss I need a raise, I'm not being selfish. I have a government to support.

The bottom line is, this is no budget. But if it were, it would be an ugly one.

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