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Spears: Another month of budget flapdoodle

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We now know the date of the federal budget — March 29.

We know bugger all else.

Same goes for probably 300 of the 308 sitting MPs if my recent conversations with some of the local members are any indication.

This is not reassuring for Ottawa’s public servants who took to the streets Thursday in fear of the future.

Nor is it soothing to the city, which is heavily reliant on public servants for its economic health.

Despite a budget that senior politicians have cast in epic, mythological terms — “reasonable” cuts now or suffer Greek-style economic Armageddon — we have only the vaguest clues as to what might be in store.

At least all federal parties are more or less equally ignorant, for budget details appear to be kept from low-ranking Tory MPs as well as from everybody else.

Nepean-Carleton MP Pierre Poilievre implied as much last week when, drowning in a sea of speculation and utterly confused by alternatively doom-laden and rosy economic outlooks, I begged for a lifeline.

“Do you have any idea what we might be seeing (in terms of public service cuts),” I asked near the end of a rambling question.

“I think the union bosses are trying to create a climate of fear and panic,” Poilievre replied.

This struck me as the answer to a question I hadn’t asked.

Poilievre then said the government wanted to cut 5% to 10% from the federal budget — about the one thing everyone knew all ready — before adding this bit of insight.

“I think that the budget will answer those questions.”


One guy who is in the know is Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird. But the budget hasn’t been finalized and so he was unwilling to go beyond hints that cuts would be “modest.”

“Probably on this telephone call, you’ve got more clarity on the budget then probably any time in Canadian history, this far in advance of a budget,” Baird said as I asked him for detail, or at least for a few scenarios under consideration.

Of course, a lack of hard facts has never been a great obstacle to members of the press, who turn to talking heads, academics and other experts whose speculation ably fills column inches.

These people are usually eager to be wrong in public, and this budget gives them ample opportunity to do so — unless Finance Minister Jim Flaherty figures out a way to make moderate, sweeping, slash-and-burn and superficially deep cuts all at once.

Journalist A.J. Liebling, lampooning “crystal ball” reporting about the 1953 death of Josef Stalin, noted Moscow-gazers picked everyone but Nikita Khrushchev to be Stalin’s eventual successor.

“This is not a reflection on the expertise of experts, but on the futility of flapdoodle,” Liebling wrote.

The question here is why we need the expertise of experts at all when the MPs running this country on our behalf either don’t know what’s going on or don’t want to talk turkey until this crucial budget is a done deal.

Brace yourself for another month of flapdoodle.

Twitter: @ottawasuntonys

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