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Letters to the Editor, Feb. 18

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Re: “Not a prayer,” Feb. 18: I commend trustee Pam FitzGerald for having the courage to address the situation about the subject of religious services in the schools and kudos to Anthony Furey for writing about it. During that all-student assembly if a Catholic priest would have led the crowd in prayer in Latin instead of an imam in Arabic I somehow doubt the school principal would have felt so inclusive. The director of education of the Ottawa public school board, Jennifer Adams, called it accomodation, and the eight school board trustees seem to agree with her as they voted down FitzGerald’s motion. Accomodation, seems more like intimidation to me. I thought the school boards had a plan to address bullying, looks like they are the ones that are cowering in the face of it.  

Stephen T. Flanagan


(We just want an equal application of the law)



It’s regrettable that Saudi clerics announced a death penalty on journalist Hamza Kashgari, for tweeting about Prophet Muhammad. Islam utterly condemns any punishment for apostasy as the Quran unequivocally states: “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). What’s more, Kashgari has recanted, so even if he did something demanding punishment, his retraction absolves him, as denunciation leaves one accountable to Allah alone (Quran, 47:26-28). One particularly relevant incident from the Prophet’s life sheds great light on this. In one of the defensive battles in which the bloodthirsty Meccans attacked the Muslims, one of the Muslim soldiers prevailed upon the most notoriously murderous of the idolaters who had savagely slain many Muslims. As the Muslim soldier was about to finish him off, the latter declared belief in Islam, but was ignored as just trying to save himself. When the Prophet learned this afterwards, he summoned the Muslim soldier and rebuked him with grave disappointment and sadness, asking him if he had “opened up the heart of the idolater and peeked inside”, leaving the Muslim intensely regretful his lifelong.

Haseeb Ahmad 


(Not sure if there is a silver-lining in the ‘bloodthirsty’ battle you relate)



Finally, Canada has an immigration minister who is willing to put political correctness aside and do what is right for the country. Having tried and failed, because the opposition parties were opposed under a then minority government, to get legislation passed that would enable the quick turn around of bogus refugees from democratic countries like Mexico, Hungary and other European countries, Immigration Minister Kenney now will do just that. Once their claims are denied, bogus refugees can be quickly removed from Canada. Bogus refugee claimants are costing taxpayers millions annually, plus placing a heavy burden on our already over taxed healthcare and social services. They also are provided free legal advice and education while here fighting protracted refugee claims. With the flood of Roma/gypsies from Hungary, action was long overdue. There is simply no reason Canada should be receiving individuals from other democractic countries. This legislation should not only dissuade other such persons from coming, but ensure legitimate refugees can be dealth with more expeditiously. Natually, the NDP is opposed to this move.

Larry Comeau


(It also disrespects the many great people who come to Canada legitimately)

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