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Letters to the Editor, Feb. 16

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While the LCBO may be a monopoly, it’s a monopoly that generates a lot of money for the province of Ontario and they seem to do a pretty reasonable job of keeping alcohol out of the hands of minors. Given that they’re open seven days a week, I don’t see the point in more government expenditures to license corner stores to do what the LCBO already does extremely well. I don’t know about you, but I’m a grownup and I’m sure I’m organized enough to buy my plonk during regular business hours.

Lesley Pellerin


(It’s not so easy for everyone, and other jurisdictions seem to get along fine without a government booze-seller)


Re: ‘Welcome to Big Brother gov’t,’ David Akin (Feb. 15): Pedophiles keep to the shadows and dark corners of the Internet for a reason. Because they know society disapproves of what they do.

Allowing the government free reign to intercept my communications, that are of a private and personal nature, is not going to stop child porn distribution. Nor is dissenting to a violation of my Charter rights in any way, shape or form showing support for child porn, those who make it or those who distribute it.

Rather than wasting our time with this nonsense, Mr. Toews and his judicial legislation committees should be investigating effective ways of determining who might be a pedophile and using child porn.

He should be investigating the use of models to track pedophiles’ habits and usage patterns. They should change the Criminal Code so it prohibits those convicted of exploiting children from doing so again. They should be investigating effective resources to rehabilitate those who can be helped.

They should not be crafting ways to turn Canada into a digital wasteland.

One thought to ponder: If the government and police grant themselves access (anytime, without warrant) to our information, how are we any different than China or North Korea? I suppose if you aren’t against this legislation, you support human rights abuses in North Korea and China.


(Vic’s “you’re either with us or you’re with the perverts” rant was a bit much)


Justin Trudeau says that he just might help Quebec separate if Stephen Harper succeeds in his vision for Canada.  Well don’t let the door hit you in the backside if you decide to.  

The majority of Canadians support the PM’s vision for the country, sound budgets, relatively low unemployment compared to other western nations, a new tough on crime bill,  major trade deals and in the future lucrative oil agreements with China and if sanity prevails at the White House, eventually the U.S. 

What utter tripe coming from a privileged spoiled brat who never endured a hardship in his snobby elitist life. He is trying to flog that tired old Liberal shtick that just does not fly with the electorate anymore. Trudeau’s rant is nothing but a play for the leadership of his party and if successful, the Conservatives will be doing cartwheels.  

Stephen T. Flanagan


(He’s demonstrated a rare gift for putting his foot in his mouth)


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