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Letters to the Editor, Feb. 3

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“Graffiti ‘art’ a costly eyesore” (Feb. 2): Let’s set a few things straight. First, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. Second, punks spraying graffiti are not artists, they are vandals.

I would like to suggest a simple work-around to the problem of catching the thugs in the act. We all know that “tags” are associated with street gangs, and the police know who are associated with the said street gang. So each time a new “tag” appears, a street gang member is taken at random and he or she has to clean it up.

Michael Trahan

(Appealing idea, but not a chance in hell)


Sen. Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu made a comment with his heart and emotions which he has since withdrawn. I suspect the majority of Canadians, myself included, have said similar things in discussing the fate of these evil murderers. The fact that Bob Rae and Nycole Turmel have jumped on this demanding his resignation is nothing short of contemptible and despicable! These party leaders and their parties are notorious for coddling and protecting criminals at the expense of their victims since Pierre Trudeau came to power. Leave the senator alone. He said what most of us are thinking, albeit in private.

Clifford Valley


(Considering his own tragic experience of crime, we’d say it’s eminently forgiveable)


Taxpayers already fund a long list of things (not only TV programming) a lot worse than titillating smut scenes. The OCD behaviour sometimes demonstrated by the Sun (and its affiliates) toward the CBC resembles a dog chasing its tail. That Kris Sims’ puerile ambush tactics were actually deemed worth publishing is beyond my understanding. There must be some ulterior motive. In any case, I look forward to your organization’s next crusade against another arm of the government’s extended apparatus (money drains abound). I agree that transparency, accountability and rule of law should apply equally right across the board, and it is refreshing when the media lends a helping hand to this end.

Paul Spaniel

(We’ve put far more than the CBC under the microscope — and heaven knows there’s never any shortage)


Before politicians even think about messing with Old Age Security, they had better do something about their own gold-plated pensions first. It’s time to stop the “for every $1 the MP puts in the taxpayer puts in $23.” While we’re at it it’s time the government got out of the business of funding every Tom, Dick and CBC.

Their mandate is to run the country and manage funding for services that benefit all Canadians. Such things would be public education, health care, military and the environment, etc. No more funding for the arts or segregated services for francophones only, not to mention all the money that’s given for issues outside the country. With those monies no longer wasted we probably wouldn’t even have a national debt. Just imagine ... no tax increases and no new taxes needed. Wow ... one can only dream.

Sandy Johnston

(Oh, we’re sure they’d find some other way to blow all the cash)

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