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Letters to the Editor, Jan. 16

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Re: “Levant: Right down to the letter,” Jan. 15: Ezra Levant points out in his article that anti-pipeline radical Eric Swanson from the Dogwood Initiative says that his group signed up over 1600 people to speak against the Gateway project at the hearings calling it “mob the mic”. Well known and immensely popular conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter coined it perfectly with her latest book entitled “Demonic: How the liberal mob is endangering America”. Well now they are setting their sights on this great country, Canadians beware.

Stephen T. Flanagan


(Coulter nails the self-righteousness of such group, who know no boundaries when it comes to shutting down things they don’t like)



Re: “Levant: Right down to the letter,” Jan. 15: Ezra Levant paints two environmentalists as “radicals” and “extremists” who are “anti-oil,” and then uses that same brush to smear all interveners at the Northern Gateway pipeline hearings. That’s akin to me saying Mr. Levant is a second-rate, ideological hack doing the government’s bidding in the guise of informed commentary, and then applying it to everyone who works for Sun Media. Oh, wait... Maybe he has a point.

Marty Pemberton

Oxford Mills

(Right, right, we’re all just puppets of the government. It’s a big conspiracy!)



Re: “Letters to the Editor, Jan. 13”: What Marcel Chartrand fails to appreciate is the fact Canadians live under nothing more than an elected dictatorship. A dictatorship, that whether Provincial or Federal, clearly favors him. The notion that consensus and the will of the people being served by our elected officials and administered with balance is long discarded thanks to Trudeau. We are now a rights-based democracy whereby majority opinion means nothing. Regarding the bilingualism issue and it’s annual $7 billion (consumer & tax dollar) cost, Canadians had and continue to have absolutely no say. Over the past 40 years it has morphed into nothing more than affirmative action, special status and state imposed, state financed, cultural engineering. Regardless of where you come from, what you look like and what language you speak, I would like my tax dollars spent on priorities established by Canadians and supporting the common good and this is not it.

Neil Irven 


(Merit based employment sure works for us)



Re: “Editorial: Put brakes on cycle licences”, Jan. 15: Ottawa does need a bicycle licence system as it would make accountable all the idiots who do not know how to properly ride a bicycle and break all of the laws of being a vehicle on a public road. If I had a nickel for every time I saw a cyclist run a stop sign, cut pedestrians off, I would be a rich man. If you’re going to be on a public road, you should be registered and have a licence.

Pierre Lapointe


(They’re already supposed to stop at red lights)



Re: “Editorial: Put brakes on cycle licences”, Jan. 15: $50.00 per cycle/year. PAY AS YOU GO, also full enforcement of the highway traffic act and all municipal laws as well.

Bruce Morrison


(Another tax grab. Another costly governnment program. No thanks.)

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