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Best of Earl: Elvis' birthday

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Happy Elvis Presley birthday everyone -- the King was born on this day in 1935. What would our look back at Earl McRae's work be without one of Earl's columns on the King? Elvis was, after all, a founding member of the Elvis Sighting Society. This Earl gem originally ran on Jan. 12, 2001.


"Shame, Earl," e-mails Gail Collins from Orillia. "Elvis' birthday was Monday and you didn't even write about it."

True, true -- and I apologize to Elvis in Tweed.

Stricken with guilt, I will make up for it.

I will go to the building downtown where the old Beacon Arms Hotel once stood and touch the wall. I will go to the building that used to be Union Station and touch the wall. I will go to the YM-YWCA building where the Auditorium once stood and touch the wall.

At each touching, I will say: "Elvis, it was 44 revolutions around the sun ago that you, the greatest musical icon of the 20th century, graced this spot with your presence."

If Ottawa City Council had one iota of tourism intelligence, it'd have plaques on these walls saying: "Elvis Presley, then 22, the greatest and most electrifying rock 'n' roll singer the world has ever known, graced this location on Wednesday, April 3, 1957 when it was the (Beacon Arms Hotel, or Union Station, or Auditorium). Ottawa was one of only three cities The King performed in outside the United States Of America during his entire career, all of them in Canada."

Elvis Presley in, of all places, Ottawa. A woebegotten burg back in '57 that you didn't aspire to live in, you aspired to get the hell out of. And yet, Elvis Aron Presley, at the peak of his fame, came to Ottawa, arriving on the overnight train from Toronto where he'd played the night before.

Presley and entourage got off the train at 8 a.m. He was wearing a black suit, burgundy velvet open-necked shirt, a rose-coloured raincoat, and white bucks. His face was pale and drawn. His pompadour and ducktail glistened. Under one arm: A yellow and brown stuffed teddy bear.

Scores of girls screamed when they saw him coming across the station floor. He gave them his sly, lopsided smile, signed two quick autographs, and was escorted by police to a waiting taxi which took him to the Beacon Arms Hotel where he rested for his two shows at the Auditorium; one at 4:30 p.m., the other at 8:30 p.m., tickets $3.50 each, both shows sold out.

Two of Presley's Cadillacs -- one pink, one yellow -- had been driven to Ottawa by a couple of his buddies, and Ottawa teenager Ron Sparling was chased away by security guards in the hotel's parking garage after they caught him trying to steal one of the licence plates.

For Presley's evening concert, only 37 of the 259 MPs showed up for the night session in the House of Commons. The rest had gone to see him perform. Eight girls from Notre Dame Convent were suspended for having attended the show of the "depraved, sex-crazed, devil incarnate."

Both shows were 40 minutes, and his singing couldn't be heard for the non-stop screaming; one of the screamers a teenager named Jackie Holzman who'd one day become mayor of Ottawa.

More than 100 policemen were kept busy throwing fans back into their seats after assaults on the stage. Whenever Presley, in his gold lame jacket, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes, would flash his smile, shake his leg, pivot on his toes, snap his hip, cock his thumb -- it was mass hysteria. Girls were being dragged off the floor where they'd fainted.

When Ottawa Journal reporter Helen Parmalee spotted a foreign embassy dignitary that she knew, he told her sheepishly he was "on assignment to study Canadian culture."

CFRA disc jockey Gord Atkinson, the concert MC, took some female Presley contest winners backstage afterwards. One said she'd never wash her arm again after Elvis kissed it. Patricia Thomas, of 43 Delaware Ave., couldn't stop crying after he signed her arm.

When asked about the school suspensions, he said: "I'd like to invite the principal to my show. Jumpin' and shakin' and dancin' ain't indecent -- it don't incite kids to rob banks or buy a gun."

Hundreds of boisterous teens marched en masse through the downtown streets, screaming Elvis' name, singing his songs. Arrested and later released for trying to crash the back door of the Aud were Andy Zebchuk, 16, and George Barney, 18; and for setting off celebratory firecrackers on Sparks St. and in the lobby of the Chateau Laurier hotel: Michael Ethier, 18; James Robertson, 17; Gerry Brule, 16; Robert Montfort, 16; and Bruce Langelle, 18.

Elvis' cut of the $45,000 gate for both shows? $20,000. The take after taxes for The King Of Rock 'N' Roll, the greatest of them all who changed the world? $3,000.

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