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2012 much ado about nothing

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I don’t know about you but I really dislike New Years — all those resolutions, all that looking back at the previous year, the predictions for the next.

Mostly, they’re tedious and repetitive. Maybe a little depressing too. Most years, I find I don’t especially want to look back. Why bother? It doesn’t often go the way we expected it to.

Onward and upward, I say.

And then we have the inevitable lists: Top 10 books, recordings, movies, news stories, celebrities. Ten ways to make your resolutions stick. Five worst Christmas presents ever. Sixteen ways to keep from going further into debt than you are right now. Umpteen reasons why the world as we know it will end in the next 15 minutes.

Of course, there’s a reason for this. For the last two weeks of the year, nothing much happens except for natural disasters and unpredictable terrorist attacks. Something has to fill the 24-hour news cycle and keep the Boxing Week ads from crashing into each other on the page.

Please. Spare me.

I’d rather enter 2012 with as few backward glances as possible and looking ahead only as far as absolutely necessary.

So let’s put 2011 and much of what happened back in the box.

* Can we please put Jack Layton away right now? Yes, he died at the pinnacle of his success; yes, it was a tragedy. But he may have known he was dying during the election campaign and continued selling himself anyway — the ultimate political dirty trick.

Polls have shown the NDP’s Orange Crush fading in Quebec already. Are we surprised? No. Now let’s move on.

* And the Occupy Wall St. movement — what did it accomplish? Zilch, except to mess up various parks, art galleries, cathedrals and public buildings around the world. You want something done, you need leaders. Sitting around the park complaining accomplishes nothing.

* The G8. Enough already. Yes, a lot of money got spent in Muskoka, much of it far from the conference location. But no previous government ever did anything like that? C’mon. Take a little cruise down memory lane and remember the billions various Liberal governments have lavished on the province of Quebec just for a start. I could go on and on.

* The G20 and its accompanying troubles. Yes, a very few people may have been mishandled by the police and, yes, quite a few people got hauled away unnecessarily.

But if a night in the hoosegow is the worst thing that ever happened to you, you don’t have a lot to complain about.

Get over it and remember there are parts of the world where you’d have been beaten senseless or killed just for attending a demonstration. Please examine the continuing fallout from the so-called “Arab spring”.

* And speaking of the “Arab spring,” can we please lose that expression? It doesn’t match the reality which is that repression and tyranny continue as if nothing had happened.

Yes, it’s time to put 2011 away for good and try not to get our hopes up for 2012. After all, this may be the year that Sarah Palin suddenly explodes back into the public consciousness as the Republican candidate for president. Let’s not think even about it.

And a Happy New Year to you, too.

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